Up coming wave (I must stop,.....how?)

after hearing the system massage i began to tremble, i could not hold my self back so i stated panicking, i began to think of any possible way i could survive the quest, at that moment i thought back to my MT points, then i realized that my MT point in my system has not gone up at all since I evolved, I decided to confirm again then ask the system....






AGE = 5 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = wolfin ring rabbit


rank = 2

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit

LEVEL = 13 {XP = 340 /800}- N.Evo Lev 20

{HP = 100/ 200}, {MP = 400/715}, {SP = 40/150}

ST = 38

AG = 39

VT = 40

IN = 143

CM = 5

MT point {40}

+storage 9/30+(level up card (4)

{ skills active}

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]dark acid beam[]

{skills passive}

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[]life leech[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]acid tall mouth[]


darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...)



TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

after confirming that my thought were right, i proceeded to ask the system...

"hay system what up with my MT points, they did not increase no mater how much i eat....."


[Host,... the MT system was upgraded during your evolution, but additional information is still under installation, and will take 3 hours more to complete, host can still get skill's, but MT point needs more complex calculations for the information to be updated upon completion.....]

After I had to the system massage I new my non existent luck state was being to kind to me today, I felt like everything that happened today was just too good to be true and thought maybe god has finally had pity on me for a day,.....but to think I was wrong, I used up all my luck in the morning when I left the cave and found all those monster corpse, and this is the result.....

I new complaining about it won't take me any where, so I decided to not argue with the system about this for now and concentrate on the mission are hand of me,...

"first I need to survive,.....that is the most important part,..... second I can't avoid the wave, but nothing said I had to stop it personally, ehhhhh"

When I was thinking about it, suddenly I got a very good idea,..... and I smiled mischievously...

"That's right nothing said I had to do it personally,..... let just let them pass and fight the humans,.....hahaha"


[Host most personally participate in the quest or risk failure.....]



But the f*cking system one's again killed my last hope,.... but considering it for a while I realized that the system did not say to do it alone,..... but I must personally participate in it, so with that I came to a conclusion that....

"Ohhhhh,....so I don't have to fight them all, I can just leave it to the humans, and just find some way to help the humans in stopping it, and lastly I need to find out what the cause of the wave was... right system...,



one important thing to note is that the system never said that i need to stop it alone ....,i just need to help the humans out enough to give them enough advantage to win with out being killed, and I know that the system did not expect me to figure it out,.... so I can understand why the system is speechless...

"hahaha I am such a genius"



[Mental instability detected....]

After hearing the system insult me,...I calmed down, and decided to ask the system some important question about the quest..

"system how long do i have, before the wave ,...and before night fall"


[ Host has 9 mint before the wave and 1 hur before night fall ]

as i got the system massage i started to plan first, i found the tallest tree near the battleground and climb up to it from the one I was on to the very top, then let myself get a good view of the war ground, after i saw that the army wear already prepared i felt a from of relief, then i tuned around trying to look for the wave of monsters, but it was not necessary because one can see a large wave of monsters coming in this direction, if i were to give a number i would say they would be at lest 3000 monsters or more in the wave. Seeing them like this I started to double-check my plans, when I saw that everything was good,... i got up and prepared to use my beam to attack,... but before the wave came near my attack range, i had a loud sound


i saw what look like a cannon that the soldiers were guarding fire a large beam of light out of the cannon round mouth on the monster wave then


the blast was so strong that i could even see many monsters instantly dye in each explosion. i was amazed of what i just saw because i am sure that is a mana cannon, how do I know you ask,.... because they are injecting Mana into it which after fires a huge blast of light,...also because of my Otaku knowledge,.... what a surprise, but if you look closely you will find out that it take about 5 minte for each blast to change up which is a little slow in my opinion,....but i will say just the damage alone kills 20 monsters plus the many smaller once i cant count...

so after about 45minte of this constant warfare, of the soldiers blasting the monster all over the place, i see the monsters getting closer and closer with determine eyes despite their loses, which was in it own way very scary, so i decided to go with my plan. from this plan i will use my skill =tail beam= and= wipe=, as many times as i can on the wave of monster .

why you ask?... Well think of it this way my skill combo can rich 5m , now add that to my evaluation on where i stand which is about 13m high. with this combo i can do a hell lot more damage ...



with my help the wave was getting smaller but for all my effort it looks like the monster wave was increasing, i could not understand this or what was happening at all....

"just who the hell want to give me a hard time"


after another 1hur 23mint , it looks like those cannon are out of juice and those in the army are ready to clash with the monster wave,.....the guy in dark armour is their leader,....I think because I can see him commanding the rest of the soldiers, but just when i thought i was safe i head...


but before i could process what was going on and compose my thoughts i felt the tree I was on falling to the forest floor....I could not help but scrim

"what the hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....."


At that moment, I made a split second decisive move and quickly jumped to the next tree, but then i realize i was paying to much attention to the battle and did not concentrate on my surroundings because all the tree around me where either missing or had weird scorch marks on them

When the tree I was on was falling to the I ground, i saw a huge slash which divided the tree I'm on into 4 part, the energy in those slashes had a kind of evil aura that to them that made you just want to run away,.... I had never felt anything like this before,..... At that moment everything in my body told me to jump, and as I did, I landed hard on the floor but when I looked back, I saw the tree corroding as it fell on forest floor .

But that did not scare me, what actually scared me was the humanoid like creature which was coming, from the deep forest, just walking out of the dense forest into the battlefield which caught the attention of both monster and humans alike.....

If one is to give a description on what it looks like,.....I can't because all I could feel in that moment, I could only describe it I one word...



[Threat detected....threat detected.....threat detected....]

By the system massage you can tell that this can not mean anything good