New look, Physical training (part 1)

When I woke up, I felt very tired, I turned and looked around me and was relieved that I was still in my new cave, then I remember that I just evolve and I felt very happy because I was getting stronger, so I decided to check my appearance,..... that is my new appearance,...

After checking on my appearance, what I saw this time was even more surprising to me ..,...

It Turned out that That I have turned back into a normal rabbit,....well Normal being a bit of a stretch,.... but the only strange thing was I had five tails and not only that,.... it seem like all my tails can join together and then become one, actually it can even become two and I also had four very large and long canine teeth , two at the top of my mouth and two below, each about 5 inches long , looked like that of a saber-tooth tiger, with extremely long claws which were almost 5 inches long,....

I now had a darker appearance, which means my fur was dark but my limbs were dark Crystal light blue and I have two white devil like horns on the side of my head pointing forward, with a set of white markings moving from my back through my head,..

I also had a fan web like thing around my neck and at the middle was a small white golden glowing ball with a eye in the middle constantly looking around, and i can also see a weird Chain which was round my neck behind the web like thing,...the chains made one circle around my neck then extended out and the ending floated in the air, at my both sides swaying continuously

.....if you were to describe my appearance it would be as majestic or something straight out of a fantasy,.... as I was looking myself up, I heard a notification from the system which made my expression turned grave,...


[=Newbie mode=disabled]


[Host trial period has ended , and auto assistance of system has been turned off , triple exp gain has also been turned off,.....

Host has reached the standard grade for auto assistance of the system to be removed...]





When I saw the system notification, I was very confused about what was happening, I mean if what I'm reading was right, that means that from when I came into this world the system has been assisting me and I have been in a trial period of it,... just like a baby learning how to walk, but I had to ask the system to make sure because if it is true then life is about to get extremely hard for me,.....

"Hay System what do you mean by trial period is over,... ? explain to me, and what the f*ck is newbie mode"


[in order to help The Host survive after transmigration and because of the overall estimate of host ability the system determined it impossible for host to survive on its own and according to protocol 98 600 the system initiated =newbie mode= which gives host certain privileges as follows

-Triple Exp gain

-Auto assistance in activation of skills

-Auto assistance in precision aiming of attacks an skill

-System danger detection and prevention

-auto system pointing and navigation...

This functions will later be unlocked as the system develops to a certain extent,....]

I was surprised to see what was going on, it said this and that, things that I didn't understand, but one thing was clear and As I got the message I became very sad, because I now knew that all those perfect hit from before was not my doing but the system assistance, and I will not be getting that assistance again,....

I didn't dwell on it for long and decided to check my status






AGE = 8 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = nightmare rabbit

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle

rank = 3

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit

LEVEL = 2/40 {exp= 1550/4000}- Evo =>Lv40

{HP = 1000/ 1000}, {MP = 1400/1500}, {SP = 400/700}

ST = 125

AG = 150

VT = 200

IN = 300

CM = 5

MT point {17350}

+storage 19/50+(level up card (6),invisibility card (1),(information card(6), heal card(4), force evolution card(2)

>{ skills active}<

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]death gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[] shadow embodiment []=[] nightmare zone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]fear gaze[]=[]ghostification[]=[] nightmare[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror[]=[]punishment chains[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]ouroboros[]=[]star eye[]=[]punishment chains[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]

>{ Equipment }<



darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...), Death (death magic ( ancient magic), nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic)


QUEST >|stop the monster wave and find out what is the cause of the monster wave that is happening in the southern parts of the forest, plus making sure that host still has about 10% hp left. time of income wave 13 mint

REWARD >| 16000 XP, rewords=4000 MT points, 2 level up cards, invisibility card, star eye

FAILURE >I death buy being eating by monster of upcoming wave.]=(completed)

TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

After taking a look at my status, I was surprised by the overall increase in my starts, I couldn't even believe that this was me even when I saw my menu, I wanted to go out and try killing some monsters to see my overall strength,.... but after remembering what I read from the system message, I will reconsider,..... after thinking about it for a while, on how to effectively survive now without the system assistance, I came up with your conclusion,.....

"first I'll try training my physical ability for today so I begin the training of my skills later on,..... Ok let's start,...

I stood up straight, positioning my body upright, I saw that my height has increased a little, I turned around and looked at the cave wall, then I went towards the wall raised my rabbit paw and use all my strength to hit it, then a cracking sound was heard

Booommm crackkk

My strengths left a small spider web like effect on the cave wall, then I stepped back a little and used all my strength to leap into the air when falling down, I did the same thing I did to the cave wall and slammed my rabbit paw into the ground which left a more bigger spider web like effect on the cave floor, I looked back and went to another side of the cave wall and with all my strength, I used my claws to strike cross the wall, leaving a deep claw-mark on the cave wall,....

this is how I continued my training for the whole day improving, adapting and tampering my body to its new functions and seeing how I could utilize my body more safely now that I have lost the system assistance,.....

And So when it was late in the evening, when I looked around the place that was suppose to be my new home, I can see many claw and tail marks all over the place inside the cave, I can also see big and large holes on ground inside the cave,.....

just as i finished conducting my test, it seems that my strength seem to have doubled or may be even tripled, but I knew I had an overall bust in my starts, I feel like I could take over a lot of the area now, even though I haven't even gone out yet,.... but just seeing by my state alone, I will be able to dominate this area very soon,.. as I look up and saw that the sun was going down,.. I decided to get some rest for the day,.... so I went to the part of the cave floor which was relatively intact,..... I have exhausted myself for the day, I fell down to the floor, I cant continue anymore but I'll test other things tomorrow, not even bothering to eat, I went to sleep waiting for the adventures that the next day will bring,.....
