New home and second evolution( part 1)

as i watched the snake approach me, The snake like creature came at me at a very fast speed, then it's slashed at me with it bone like claw, I used my tail and extended it in form of a shield to block the incoming attack but at the same time it's 2 tails pointed in my direction and then flash in the air aiming at me like spikes, I used my speed to move to it's right side .

What surprise me even more was when it changes it tails direction in mid air,... Its tail came aiming at me at a fast speed, I dodged it and activated my =spring skill=as i flashed to it's other side, but just when I wanted to claw at it, I saw his other bone hand already extended towards my direction, it slashed at me, but I was still able to dodge it,..... that was When I came to a realization after fighting this monster for 5 minute straight that I might have higher start Then it but I lack experience in battle....

Like the creatures who live in the forest which are born and on the first day until they grow up ,they struggle for survival which makes them have rich battle experience.

I started to think intensively on this thought,..All the while still dodging the snakes attacks,.....

"Oh well it seems that starts are not everything...." Then I decided to do what I do best ,I over power the other party with my start....

Doing this I gained advantages even when it tries to reach to my direction, I had an advantage in my overall stats which was at least 2 time it own.

I did not give it any space, it seemed like the creature was waiting for me to exhaust myself out, but to his displeasure because of my constant dodging and it's relentless attacks, it's only exhaust himself more, 15 minutes into the fight and another 2 minutes gone by, I can see different claw Marks and holes in the creature, which I made by attacking whenever I got the chance, but for some reason it still stands,...

I think it's some kind of undead specie, but I still didn't give it any breathing space and bombarded it with all my skills.

After our little fights, it became nothing more than dead corpse on the cave floor, living part of it self all over the ground... and when i focused on the main body had enough,.....the monster status pops up





GENDER= male

SPECIES = skull face snake (dead)

rank = 2

LEVEL = 19 {xp= 0 /7000}

{HP = 0/ 400}, {MP = 45/100}, {SP = 0/360}

ST = 55

AG = 45

VT = 80

IN = 20

Cm= 0

After I was done I proceeded In looked through the whole cave as I moved in dipper checking the place out, after going to the back coming back out,....

After confirming that the place was clear, but still to be on the safe side and to be sure, I confirmed from the system, but I suddenly realized that the system never told me of the monster that was here before, so I decided to ask...

"System are there any dangerous monsters in the vicinity, and how come you never told me about the snake in the cave, you said that there are no dangerous monsters in here,...."


[.... There are still no monster in the area that Is a threat to host...]

As the system said this i realized that the system has not been doing it's job effectively, because anytime I am told that there is no danger, I just so happen to be in a dangerous situation,... after thinking about it for some time I decided to check with the system,....

"Hay system how do you categories monsters level of threats"


[monster threat level is categorized and calculated not by The Host own States and battle capacity, but by the total states of the monster, if the status of the monster is less than that of The Host then it logically does not pose danger to The Host,]

I just found out That the system calculate the threat based on the monster Overall stats and not mine actual battle capacity, so I found out one of the flaws in system and decided to be very vigilant from now on,.....

After a little rest, I proceeded to taking out the rest of the corpse from my storage and ate until I had enough,..... I realized that this cave was the ideal location so i decided to proceed with my evolution early,... it was a nice place to do it in, so I moved some stuff to put up at the entrance, to stop monsters and other creatures from coming in, l went back close to the corpse and the sat on cold floor ,...

After Checking my status, I gave the system authorization to commence with the evolution....






AGE = 7 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = wolfin ring rabbit

TITLE = El-Salvos

rank = 2

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit

LEVEL = 20 {xp= 0 /3550}- Evo =>|

{HP = 300/ 950}, {MP = 450/1000}, {SP = 340/500}

ST = 95

AG = 97

VT = 190

IN = 200

CM = 5

MT point {12500}

+storage 16/30+(level up card (6),invisibility card (1)

{ skills active}

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]dark acid beam[]=[]life leech[]

{skills passive}

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]acid tall mouth[]=[]star eye[]


darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...)


QUEST >|stop the monster wave and find out what is the cause of the monster wave that is happening in the southern parts of the forest, plus making sure that host still has about 10% hp left. time of income wave 13 mint

REWARD >| 16000 XP, rewords=4000 MT points, 2 level up cards, invisibility card, star eye

FAILURE >I death buy being eating by monster of upcoming wave.]=(completed)

TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

after confirming that every thing is fine with my status, and admiring my new skill for some time, it was finally time for my evolution, so i proceeded to instruct the system

"system proceed with evolution...."


. [does host want to proceed with evolution currently ]

".. yes..."

This confirm one of my thoughts that the time giving by evolution must not be completed ,what was giving was the maximum hours that the evolution can be retained .

This time is what is giving to person by the system and if the individual that want to evolve find a comfortable place before the time, he or she can proceed with it without minding the remaining time left, but if it does not find a place before then you'll be forced to evolve at that particular place where you are, when the times is out because the system cannot hold back the evolution process anymore

After some of this thought ,I felt drowsy then slowly fell unconscious



[ evolution option processing ....15%.....78%...92%...100%, processing complete host can chose from evolutionary option]

i opened my eyes to see myself in a white room devoid of any life, just like the last time i evolved, i quickly moved my attention to the green transparent screen in front of me that looked like my system window, to view my options and i was a little to excited

"Yes, it's finally here"


[displaying evolution option.....

==(Lycanous hell rabbit)==

==(Uratha white rabbit)==

==(King blade rabbit)==

==(Nightmare rabbit)==..... ]

after looking at there names, i was even more excited, and i could not wait to see there what they can all do

"Show me the explanation,... they all look cool sounding"

[processing information...10%.....40%....80%...100%...)


.... lycanous hell rabbit....