New mission

It has been 2 days since my mutation, and I had to spend a day and the half getting use to my new bods strength, i did that by doing some light training and on occasions i go out to hunt some small monsters, just to get a better fell of just how strong i have become, plus that was necessary why? well as you can see i hard a growth spout and almost doubled my original size, and so in order to better get used to my new form i hard to do some light training and body movement, the beginning it was very hard but as i continued my body began to fell natural again, and now i felt like normal, well as normal as i can get,..... and so i spent the remaining half eating what was in my storage to empty it as much as possible and because I was very hungry and forgot to eat when I was training.....

well that aside I am currently on a rock tree looking at some ants which are carrying what look like a 3m big goats.... when did ants start eating goats,.....well,.....they are monsters after all,..... and some how i can understand them,.... for some reason that goat looks very delicious,....ok i am going to get it,....but for now lets observe while activating =ghostification=

They were a lot of them, and there sizes where about 1.5m,.... they were big as hell, well the big ants where carrying the goat,..... and it was a pretty funny sight,..... they were about 20 of them, that is if i were to count them,.....the where a light shade of black in color,...... and there was also some very black ant which seems to be mad of metal, different from the rest they were about 3m tail, and where also guarding the rest smaller ants that where close to them,.....the big black ants numbered to about 4 in total protecting the group in a crystal like formation making them a total number 24 i think,.....maybe,... i think,.....lets just live them at that number for now,....

looking at them, you would be thinking "Lucy you that has killed so many monsters, why I you not attacking them" at that moment i will slap the f*cker on the head and show him their states

Fist lets go with the little rock ants, that look so weak,.... well....,weak is the one thing they are not





GENDER= male

SPECIES = blade rock ant

Title = worker

rank = 3

LEVEL = 19 {xp= 4560 /20400}

{HP = 2000/ 2000}, {MP = 700/750}, {SP = 40/1500}

ST = 400

AG = 210

VT = 400

IN = 150

Cm= 1

they are not so weak now are day,.... and for gods sake they are just f*cking worker ants,.... and As for the big black ants,... it better to show than tell, and ones you see their states, will understand my predicament,....





GENDER= male

SPECIES = demon blade ant

Title = worker , solders, killer

rank = 4

LEVEL = 10{xp= 4560 /20000}

{HP = 60/ 7500}, {MP = 10/1500}, {SP = 40/2000}

ST = 1050

AG = 490

VT = 1500

IN = 300

Cm= 1

after seeing this all, you know why I am sitting down on a 9m tall tree,...just waiting patiently for a good opportunity, like a good little girl which i am, so that the big scary looking military men can go away,.....


[0...0...... host please reframe from acting cute.... with your appearance it has the opposite effect..]

"..." dam,... system no mater what you say i know that i am cute,....

[0...0....well imaginative ignorance can be magical things,.....even in a would overflowing with magic in like this one,...

"..."....why do i fell like i have been insulted

ignoring the systems comment i stated thinking of my current situation, my overall strength, and the different in the evolution and strength of different monsters,..... and the more i think of it, the concept of over flowing strength I previously had are now gone, the river flow washed it away .....then i thought what is a person suppose to do in this situation,..... well not a person anymore....but you get the pint, and even if i want to at list hunt some of them,..... a lot of problems keep coming up in my mind...

first I don't now where I am in the rock Forest and I can't move careless like before because of the grade of monster around, this area seems to be slightly hooter than the rest, why those that matter you ask? because i found out that even a little change in the environment can affect the evolution of the monsters that live there,... and i am not taking that risk,...... well not now, at list until i get strong enough,....

and even among the group of worker ants, the weakest among them was a level 12 grade 3... and as i said that was the weakest...and now that i am thinking about it If not for the skill..= ghostification=..I am very sure that i would have been found out and maybe killed long ago.....after some hours of observing them it seems like the ant are gone for good,....

"Oh well it is time to go"

and just as i was ready to depart,...... some thing very annoying happened,....



[QUEST >|find three people or monsters to be part of your family which have a very high growth potential. dead line 3 mouth.

REWARD >| 200000 XP, rewords=100000 MT points, 2 level up cards, family name , 2 Lord MT choice cards

FAILURE > -500000MT.]

when the system notification came to an end i was very surprised by what i saw, so now the system wants me to state a family,... and as i was thinking about how to reject the system quest, that is when i saw it and i could not believe my eyes,.... is this the reword,....... and also a very hash punishment but at least the time to accomplish it is large, I think I can do it,.....i mean how hard can it be,....

It just need to find a companion "or some brainless monster and force them to follow me" how hard can it be to find one.....