misfortune and fortune

after i left the area of the unknown monster i did not stop running for a very long time until i realized that i did not know were i was ,..... so When I stopped I also realized that i was lost in a new area of the rock forest that i did not know and what made it even more of a hassle was that it was already at night time, my situation was bad,... why ? well because i did not know the kind of monsters that live in this area of the rock forest and i also did not know there skills, you may think that they all have defense related skills but different monsters have different skills take the Giant snake as an example, no one would ever think that its skill was =petrification= I don't know how long I was running but i remember that it was dark then it was light then now it was dark again.... did i just run for a whole day,..... and thee system massage made it more worse


[Host has moved out of the range generated by status effect ....fear....]

after the system notification it came to my knowledge that I was under a status effect generated by a skill for as long as a day,... after thinking for a while it all became clear,..... i am a pretty calm person and quick to adapt to unknown situations but at that very moment i faced that cave i felt like my body was no longer under my control, and all the mental resistance i have built up for years just vanished in the blink of an eye,..... what if something happened to me at that very moment that i was in mental panic or i was attacked by a monster,....

I became very angry ...frustrated....and down from my foolishness, if i never was so greedy and just stayed were i was this would have never happened,.... i still have a long way to go....

as I walk in the forest for sometime thinking about all the events that took place,....I found a big wide rock tree with something like a rock scorpion 2meter bigger and had black rock spicks all around its body, i wanted to turn around and run away because i still felt fear from what happened before, but when i looked closely at it,.....it seem to be I bad condition,...why ? well because of the the green liquid like blood coming out of it stomach with a large gaping open wound and also it was messing it tail..... most likely got wounded in battle, but before i approach it, i scanned the environment for any danger when non was found, i looked at the status screen that suddenly came to view





GENDER= male

SPECIES =giant rock scorpion

Title =slaughterer , killing machine

rank = 3

LEVEL = 24 {xp= 1360 /29400}

{HP = 50/ 2500}, {MP = 10/1500}, {SP = 40/1200}

ST = 400

AG = 260

VT = 500

IN = 300

Cm= 1

As I approached it using my =ghostification= skill, it still did not notice my which i could understand because it most be incredibly week ,...heck !! i am even surprised why it is still not dead yet and so i came directly inches away from it, at that very moment I deactivated my =ghostification= skill and at that moment i used all my strength to stab my tail into the open wound applying all my many to fair my beams into its body,..

As the scorpion got up and wanted to struggle I directly jumped on it head and with all my might also applying my remaining mana as i dug my caws in it head ....

Even with all my strength I still felt my bones breaking under the pressure of the attack, which just goes to show how hard the skull was,....i screamed out in pain from the breaking of my bones, but when i look down at it i could see massive eyes looking directly at me with extreme rage,.....at that moment my emotions went out of control again,.....i did not know if it was the pain i felt or the frustration from before,..... with all that has happened recently I did not care of the consequences of my actions...{because at this moment what i am about to do, i did not know that it would bring one of the greatest changes in my life.... but that a story for another time}... I let out all my frustration on the scorpion, by digging my claws in its head again and again even after the scorpion fell to the ground motionless I still continue ,.... hatred....anger.....fear..... sadness...all of it, I let it all out until I was tired and fell on the scorpion dead coupes motionless,...


[Host has received 57300 exp

Host has leveled up.

Host has leveled up

Host has leveled up

Host has leveled up

Host has leveled up

Host has received the title =giant slayer=]

i was feeling a little better but still anger inside,.....i ignored all the notifications of the system so i positioned my self to be more comfortable on the scorpions back and used my tails to eat the scorpion little by little till I was satisfied,....when i was done i got down from it when i looked at the body more closely,....i looks like i have eating a lot of it,.... but the monster was just so big that even with my skills i think it will take a fee days to completely eat it all, that is if i can before it goes bad,.....I then put the remaining in my storage and just realized that the scorpion was in a big nest, after checking the environment, climbed in to the scorpions nest and opened my mutation screen after feeling better.....

But before that I checked my status






AGE = 16 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = nightmare rabbit

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle ,giant slayer

rank = 3

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit

LEVEL = 11/40 {exp= 3900/13000}- Evo =>Lv40

{HP = 1000/ 1300}, {MP = 600/1850}, {SP = 400/900}

ST = 170

AG = 190

VT = 260

IN = 370

CM = 5

MT point {23000}

+storage 37/50+(level up card (6),invisibility card (1),(information card(6), heal card(4), force evolution card(2),coupse

>{ skills active}<

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]death gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[] shadow embodiment []=[] nightmare zone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]fear gaze[]=[]ghostification[]=[] nightmare[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror[]=[]punishment chains[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]ouroboros[]=[]star eye[]=[]punishment chains[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]

>{ Equipment }<



darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...), Death (death magic ( ancient magic), nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic)


QUEST >|stop the monster wave and find out what is the cause of the monster wave that is happening in the southern parts of the forest, plus making sure that host still has about 10% hp left. time of income wave 13 mint

REWARD >| 16000 XP, rewords=4000 MT points, 2 level up cards, invisibility card, star eye

FAILURE >I death buy being eating by monster of upcoming wave.]=(completed)

TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

Now time for my mutation...


#giant rock scorpion #

it is a scorpion like monster which lives in mostly rocky regions and are mostly known as solo hunters. they use poison , earth ,and dark magic and are highly dangerous, especially the females. the male can grow to 8 to 10 m tall and cant evolve further after that . they are mostly known because of the habit of wanting to kill what ever they see

#World achieve#
