After the goat event that happen right in front of me, as i meet that innocent goat which got horrifying eating. I looked up to see this creature, I felt fear run through my whole body, and started to Shiver uncontrollably, I immediately used my skill =ghostification= and =shadow embodiment= plus other concealing skills, trying hard to reduce my presence as much as possible so that the creature does not take notice of me.

The neck of the mountain goat was in the jaw of this creature. it looks like a 5m tall lion, covered in Snow White fur, it's limbs look like they were made of crystal, with the muscles ligament showing on its surface, it hard for eyes , and one giant eye floating at its back, it looks very vicious. with its mouth able to open in four different directions.

it also had two metal like long fangs coming from the top of each part of its four mouths, with a tail that had a small white flame at the end.

it was a very crazy looking creature. and just like it sense's my presence. it looks up directly in my direction and our eyes met. I felt another round of shiver go down my spine.

As Our eye, meet and I felt shiver go down my spine. it was not long before I was complete frozen in place out of fear. At that moment i stated thinking of ways that I could get out of this situation. Because even with my concealment skills, it could still sense my presence.

I decided to try and calm down so to access the situation I am in. but the fear deep in my heart does not seem to go away. It was very strange.

Because despite I was calm, I still felt a terrible fear,…

" what is going on? Why am I so afraid? Is this monster that strong!!."

" NO!! that not it. This something else…. Hay system what is going on?"


[Host is under condition =Soul Freeze=]


[Host =Spirit Eye= skill have been cancelled]

I froze because of the unexpected massage that I got. It took me a few seconds before I could move again. Then I began to panic because, from the system notification, i knew my situation was bad, I mean very, very bad. So seeing that my life was in danger, I was determined to do anything possible to escape.

So i tried to struggle and free myself from my frozen status, but i could not still move , I tried one more time shaking and trying to bend my body in the most violent ways, to try an get even a little bit of movement out of it. but to no avail.

the crystal like lion with its long tail which seems to be 7m in length with white flames at the end, slightly touch the tree. This motion was extremely slow, but I could not say the same for what happened next. The tree started to freeze at a speed you could see with your naked eye, I think it has something like freezing flames ability. And that was very bad.

I started to panic again

Maybe you are asking why I am so afraid of it. One. I am in the rock forest, that means all the trees are made of rock, which generate their own internal temperature. So some of them are very hot. But that did not stop this creature from freezing the tree completely with just a touch of its flames.

And the second reason is that. Seeing how it froze both the tree and the slight mist in the atmosphere. I felt like even if I use my =ghostification= skill this monster will instantly freeze me. And I don't think I can survive that. So we had better stay away from it.

"Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa. ,haaaaaaaaaa"

"Haaaaaaaahahaha,ha ha haaaaaaaa."

I stated to hear some strange laughters, it sounded like someone went crazy or the laughter that those bodies in movies usually do. It snapped me out of my thought process. I stated to look around. I did not see a single thing. But as the laughter continues I was able to pinpoint the sources.

Because in the distance I could see many red eyes looking directly at me, which was very weird.

whatever it was. It laughter was so loud that it spread throughout the area. I saw the trees stopped freezing after it reached the pick. Then the crystal lion look directly at me after looking at the tree which has frozen over for a brief moment. At that moment within the blink of an eye. The monster like creature disappeared from my sight living only a crack on the ground where it was ....

Ones the creature disappeared, I felt my body calm down with a moment of calmness and relieve just as quickly as it came. After some minutes, I regained control over my body.

That use so intense.


[Soul freeze have been condition is back to normal.]

With the system notification, I relaxed even more. I could only smile with more joy.

But something was strange. Even after the creature left, I could still hear the laughter just as clearly as before and it kept getting more louder and closer.

"Did the creature make a back run in other to get into a charge run, so that it could ram into my tree."

But as the laughter kept getting closer and louder. I stated felling pains in my head. And I knew it was not normal. Because the system confirmed my thoughts.


[Host has lost 2hp

Host .....3hp

Host has lost 5hp

Host has lost 14hp]

I stated to panic a little,... I mean a lot... because my HP was going down and I did not know the reason why. I stated to look around me to try and confirm if I was under attack, I mean it looks like the HP reduction is small right, but the problem is not that the reduction is small, the problem is that I keep losing it every 5second. Plus after thinking about it for some time and because of the laughter and the source of the pain I am felling.

It also became obviously clear what was the source of the attack. because as the laughter keeps getting louder, I keep losing more HP.






AGE = 17 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = nightmare rabbit

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle , giant slayer

rank = 3(Elite)

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit

LEVEL = 11/40 {exp= 11000/13000}- Evo =>Lv40

{HP = 855/ 1300}, {MP = 600/1850}, {SP = 400/900}

ST = 250

AG = 240

VT = 300

IN = 400

CM = 7

MT point {100}

+storage 37/50+(level up card (6),invisibility card (1),(information card(6), heal card(4), force evolution card(2),coupes

>{ skills active}<

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]death gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[] shadow embodiment []=[] nightmare zone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]fear gaze[]=[]ghostification[]=[] nightmare[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]=[] dark claw[]=[] dark vain[]=[] demonis []=[] evil scream[]=[] bone shield []=[] metal man[]=[] metal claw[]=[]cleans[]=[] command[]=[]rader[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror[]=[]punishment chains[]=[] danger sense[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]ouroboros[]=[]star eye[]=[]punishment chains[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]=[]4 arms of darkness[]=[]catarous[]=[]dark scale bone[]=[] metal monkey heart[]=[] metal beetle skeleton[]=[] ghost hands[]=[]scared markings[]=[] tattoo of the scorpion prince[]=[] marking of the beetle princess[]=[]red rader ear[]=[]Black bone horn[]

>{ Equipment }<



darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...), Death (death magic ( ancient magic), nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic), light magic


QUEST >|stop the monster wave and find out what is the cause of the monster wave that is happening in the southern parts of the forest, plus making sure that host still has about 10% hp left. time of income wave 13 mint

REWARD >| 16000 XP, rewords=4000 MT points, 2 level up cards, invisibility card, star eye

FAILURE >I death buy being eating by monster of upcoming wave.]=(completed)

TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

Just as I thought this situation could not get any more worse. I saw a group of what looks like hyenas. This creature's look like there were made to be ugly. They were about 2.5 miters big, hard black fur with patches of brown all over it, they individually had three eyes that glowed a bright red color, teeth and claws that looked like they were made of rusted bronze metal, with spike like metal horns coming out of every Conner of their bodies. Their face looks like a twisted amalgamation between a hyena and a kangaroo, but with the hyena parts more dominant.

They are truly the personification of the word ugly.

And They came out from between the trees opposite me, still looking at me directly in the tree


# using skills #

When a monster or person uses a combination of skills it takes more mana than using the skill alone, especial if the skill are too powerful, so the cost of using it will be higher. Some skills can do damage to the owner when used excessively, but may not be noticeable until later. so all creatures have to know the skills in and out before usage.
