I decided to sit her down for a small talk, I started to lecture her on so many things including the rules we agreed on yesterday and especially, specifying the part about my safety. But for some reason she kept trying to seduce me with so many weird exotic sitting postures, I am sure that many guys would fall into her evil trap if they don't have a strong will.

After some hours off long lecturing, which I knew Avishi was not paying attention to what I said but instead she was too deep in the act of seduction. i hard to snap her back to reality but she kept Murmur something.

This lasted till night when I had to stop and because of this, I had to divide the cave into 2 parts and kept my vigilance at an all-time high throughout the night


We left the cave early the next morning to resume the hunting of yesterday with Avishi, she took the lead after I told her about how I want to eat new things and get stronger. she looks at me in a weirdly happy manner. Why you ask? am I going on a trip with her? well that is because I should at least get something out of this so called marriage, right, or I will regret it later.

I am not sure if she misunderstood but I did let her take the led, since she knew the area the best because I learned that she lived here for a long time.

We came to the top of a large tree observing what looks like a goat, which was 2m tall and hard 3 pair of razor shape horns. they were located by the side of a hug hill, the goat were covered in both fur and rocks, if one looked closer, you will see some of them which are even 3.5 m tall that had a brownish white color.





GENDER= male

SPECIE = mountain ash goat

Title = hiker, rock dweller

Rank = 3

LEVEL = 27 {xp= 17060 /28000}

{HP = 60/ 1750}, {MP = 10/1500}, {SP = 40/1500}

ST = 400

AG = 570

VT = 350

IN = 300

Cm= 1

So this is what a mountain goat looks like in this world. they are not that different from the ones in my former world if you remove some few futures ..

Avishi told me "I will take on 5 and live the remaining 2 for you, can you take them or do you need my help" she ask me worried that I would get hut.

"Yes of course I can take them down for your information I am not weak you know," I said angrily so as not to let her treat me as a kid.

"okay, then let's go " she said as she jumped down from the tree with extreme force to one of the large Mountain goats, punching it down, and creating a cloud of dust all over the place in the process, blinding the others. When I remembered her punch, I think she activated a skill that caused the dust cloud, but I am not sure. I think I will ask her later.

When the other mountain goats noticed and tried to call their friends, but was intercepted by 4 energy like purple scorpions attacking them at incredible speed.

The energy scorpions looked like the smaller version of Avishi which were 1meter tall...

I was not idol in all this time, I quickly Sneak my way to the back of one of the mountain goats, then used =metal and shadow claw =with =Sprint= to lunch myself toward them.

Before it could react, I already slashed it neck but it made to much nose. so the other mountain goat noticed me but could not retaliate. The mountain goats were kept in place by Avishi, then I used my illusion zone to make copies of myself and sneakily killed 2 more during the fight.

it looks like they were weakened, so after we killed all the mountain goat, I ask Avish who told me " I used = mind poison dust =skill at the beginning which greatly reduced their states, it is effective but has a low rang and it is slow to spread so I had to take advantage of that to sneak attack them"

I now understand why they was more dust than was supposed to be, it look like Avishi has many interesting skill. maybe later I can ask her about them


[Host has gotten 31500exp puls 10%from family member

Host has leveled up

Host has level up]


[Host family members Avishi has gotten 6800 exp

Avish family member has leveled up]

As I had the notification, I did not know if I should be happy or sad, I mean Avishi just became stronger. it will be hard to escape from her now, but why do I keep getting this feeling of not wanting to live, but just then I was interrupted by Avishi surprised face. For some reason hunting with her is more efficient than hunting alone, I am starting to see why adventures in novel are always forming terms.

I taught something was wrong, so I asked her and she said that she was not supposed to level up this quickly that she needed at list 2 more days to do it. so I ask the system what was happening.


[One of system primary function is extraction and host takes 85% exp from monster killed than the original 10% which the world forces its inhabitants to take, and this feature now also applies to your family member..]

I was surprised and ask "why did you not tell me before


[Because host did not ask]

I want to cures all the system fathers, but was afraid to mistakenly cures a god for no reason and get divine punishment, so I did not and ask the system "so is there any other thing I should know that you did not tell me"


[How is system to know if host has not ask]

I was frustrated but still kept my mind clear and shared the news with Avishi, saying it was one of my skills that is now affecting her now that she was a member of my family. she looks at me in a daze with a sad happy expression and hugged me

"Honey is the best; I knew I did not make a mistake"

"Get your hand of me" I then tried struggled out of her bear hug, i put the coupes in my system storage then we continued our hunt. when she asked were the coupes went. I just told her it was one of my skills to store thing and for another reason she became exited, I think I am starting to get a headache.

I felt like I forgot something but I couldn't remember, whatever it is. it may not be something important I think.....