9 days has passed since I started living with Avishi, after the hunt which took me and Avishi deeper into the rock frost, after that day we have been going in every 2 days because of my suggestion. If I was to live it up to Avishi to decide how much time we would go hunting she would have not minded going ever day but I could not take it.

Proper work needs proper rest, if not you will break down. that is unless you are a machine then go for it. As I was saying I have worked really hard this days even if my contributions were small the profits giving to me by Avishi helped me to level up a lot.

For your information I got to level up 11 times, it may look much but see it like this, I and Avishi hard to look for weak pray which were all grade four in the inner part of the rock forest. While I was still a grade three so the exp that I get from the kill are a lot because of my lower grade.

A majority of the monsters that we killed are those that are already greatly injured, so a major part of the exp goes to the finale killer, which is Avishi and the monster who hunted it first, but still the exp I gained was enough to level me up by a lot, which makes me a little happy

On the hunts we encountered some flame wolfs and blade tigers which were too strong to fight against so we hard to run away, there is even some few occasion when we completed our kill from far away but was interrupted by a pack of rotten hyenas.

Yes I saw them again and we had to leave our pray for them and run away, I did not understand why and when I ask Avishi she said 'those dam beast are worse than some higher monsters because they are very strong and give a lot of negative states. Even when they are killed they will still give you negative state and they also give small exp so all this make them a waste of time to fight and kill'.

She then continued ' So the only way to get away from them is to either be strong enough to kill the whole pack or to offer them your pray before they let go, but if you do not they will hunt you down drawing attention of higher monsters with their laughter. This cause the stronger creatures annoyance so when they come out, they will kill both you and the hyenas for disturbing their rest'.

I could not believe how bad they were, don't they look like tugs in the forest. O well at list we got the Exp from the kill.

What really made me happy is the load of Mt point i hard. Avishi and I are currently in her cave resting, I ask the system something that has been bordering me for a long time …. 'System can I mutate others with my exp point'


[Yes and it also come with the effect =follower= which allows the host to gain some benefit from it]

I was surprised, and then I ask what the benefits are.


[If they become your followers they will give you a percentage of their Exp and also help you gather Mt point from their kills, this is different from the normal exp and Mt points party gathering because distance is not a limitation in this process

But if you are just going to gift mutations to creatures that have no connection to you in any way, said creatures Is obliged to give you a percentage of all their permanent states as payment]

As I had this I was excited but I don't have any one to test it on ,….wait I do, Avishi is here so I can just test it on her but won't that make her stronger. I should just see it as an investment and I will still gain at the end so let use her.

Besides, she was the one who contributed mostly to the gathering of my Mt point. I should check my states first before coming to a conclusion on how much MT point to use on her.






AGE = 33 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = nightmare rabbit

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle , gaint slayer

rank = 3(Elite)

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit

LEVEL = 36/40 {exp= 29000/38000}- Evo =>Lv40

{HP = 2300/ 2550}, {MP = 2900/3250}, {SP = 400/935}

ST = 345+50=395

AG = 350+50+25=425

VT = 460+50=510

IN = 550+50+50=650

CM = 9

MT point {187000}

+storage 37/50+(level up card (6),invisibility card (1),(information card(6), heal card(2), force evolution card(2),coupse

>{ skills active}<

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]death gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[] shadow embodiment []=[] nightmare zone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]fear gaze[]=[]ghostification[]=[] nightmare[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]=[] dack claw[]=[] dack vain[]=[] demonis []=[] evil screem[]=[] bone shiled []=[] metal man[]=[] metal claw[]=[]cleans[]=[] command[]=[]rader[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror[]=[]punishment chains[]=[] danger sense[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]ouroboros[]=[]star eye[]=[]punishment chains[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]=[]4 arms of dackness[]=[]catarous[]=[]dack scale bone[]=[] metal monkey heart[]=[] metal beetle skeleton[]=[] ghost hands[]=[]scared markings[]=[] tattoo of the scropion prince[]=[] marking of the beetle princess[]=[]red rader ear[]=[]Black bone horn[]

>{ Equipment }<



darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...), Death (death magic ( ancient magic), nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic), light magic


QUEST >|stop the monster wave and find out what is the cause of the monster wave that is happening in the southern parts of the forest, plus making sure that host still has about 10% hp left. time of income wave 13 mint

REWARD >| 16000 XP, rewords=4000 MT points, 2 level up cards, invisibility card, star eye

FAILURE >I death buy being eating by monster of upcoming wave.]=(completed)

TEST >| (CAN YOU EVOVE, rewords=1000 MT points, 4 level up cards, system upgrade card, =Completed)

As you can see I had obtained so much MT point now, but to my surprise, I cannot help but be thankful to Avishi for her help.