After thinking of it for some time. I decided to go with the most profitable one that might live me bankrupt of MT point, but if I make her stronger, it might have other benefit in future.

It really pains my heart to see all this MT point go and I will not even be able to use any on myself, how the system hates me so much. I just have to bear with it maybe I will get something out of this later.

'System I chose =neither solder scorpion='


[Choice has been made …..- 40,000 mt point ….commencing advancement….10%...35%..]


[>{hidden task}<

QUEST >|chose the best advancement part for host first family member

REWARD >| 50,000Mt, 2 level up cards, one lottery draw, skill = spirit eye level two=

FAILURE > -150,000mt point , lose one Radom mutation


As I heard the notification it almost made my soul jump out of my body. who knew that they will be such a penalties for making the wrong decision, in future I will never give any one the second best except if they deservers it.

I question the system about "what is the level MT gape"


[The MT gape is when a creature which has gone through many mutations and have gain many part outside it spice, is forced to evolve in other to stabilize itself.

The evolution does not increase the grade but increase the potential if the mutation is positive for it but if it is negative it may cause the creature to become unstable and lose its sense of reasoning …or in worst case die.

The spices it evolve to will be in the same grade but hold greater potential in other to balance the mutation the creature has.]

I was surprised and then thought of something. Why have I not reach my MT gape, I have more mutation than even some high monsters so why have I not reached mine. I ask the system again


[This is because host has system, which acts as a stabilizer that keeps all MT in balance so host does not need to worry of MT gape.

So host can stack many mutations that will give host a greater value when evolving to the next grade, but if host want to evolve host can do it with evolution card.]

As I thought of it I then asked the system "which root dose system advice me to take, should I evolve now or do it at the end and follow the normal root"


[System cannot chose for host but if system is to advise is to evolve in the middle of any grade after grade 4 because it will have more benefit and one can be at their optimum state.

If one advance too early in a stage the potential evolution will be low because of the state is also taken into account and if a person advance to late he/she will have higher state but will have lower evolution choice. since he or she will soon evolve into the next grade so they will not be any time to grow.

But evolving at the middle of a grade or grade 4 upwards will put host in optimum condition in both state and space to grow which will give host the beast option for the next grade evolution]

As I head this I found out that it will be better if I do it in the next grade so I decide to use my level up card to evolve faster after Avishi finished with her evolution, so she look after me during my evolution.

After what looks like hours, the light surrounding her final demised reviling a large light egg shell that creaked ….before turning into dust and disappearing.

I saw the new Avishi she had a human upper body which was covered in dark spiky purplish tight knight armor, which had a hamlet with a scorpion design on it giving out a dark vibe.

Her lower body was extremely smaller then her original one, just a little wither and smaller than her upper half but was covered in spiky armor looking carapace which shaped perfectly with her human half that was connected to her back, she had very long armored legs and scorpion tail. Her two frontal scorpion pinchers had semi large carapace shaped shields on both of them. And now that I look closely I can see two carapace like shape swords attached to her back. That looked like a dark spiky purplish armored exoskeleton knight.....which was kind of cool

She give out an oppressive aura but after she turned back to her human form the aura was gone.

In her human form her shape and curves was now more definite, her skin became lighter and she was warring a female dark purple knight armor with two swords and a shield at her back. They had little spikes on them and her face became a little noble with a shape sense to it.

But even if she did not have that oppressive aura again I could still feel a sense of dread from making this being I front of me my enemy,...but all that went away as she ran and hugged me then said 'thank you" and stated to cry I did not know why but I could feel it was tears of joy so I gave her my shoulder for the night.


Painful mutations

The next day I was picking out MT options for myself before evolution, I already told Avish yesterday night that I will soon advance to the next grade. I just needed her to guard me as I advance so she made a small extra wall at the entrance and I went deeper inside her cave to state my mutation.

So I checked my state first.






AGE = 33 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = nightmare rabbit

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle , gaint slayer

rank = 3(Elite)

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit

LEVEL = 38/40 {exp= 32,000/40,000}- Evo =>Lv40

{HP = 2,650/ 2,650}, {MP = 3,100/3,350}, {SP = 930/935}

ST = 395+5=400

AG = 425+15=440

VT = 510+10=520

IN = 650+20=670

CM = 9

MT point {70,000}

+storage 37/50+(level up card (9),invisibility card (1),(information card(6), heal card(2), force evolution card(2), lottery card (2),coupse

>{ skills active}<

[]spring[]=[]ring[]=[]claw[]=[]tail wipe[]=[]wolf kin(rear)[]=[]death gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[] shadow embodiment []=[] nightmare zone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]fear gaze[]=[]ghostification[]=[] nightmare[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]=[] dack claw[]=[] dack vain[]=[] demonis []=[] evil screem[]=[] bone shiled []=[] metal man[]=[] metal claw[]=[]cleans[]=[] command[]=[]rader[]=[]dreaminic eyes[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(E+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror[]=[]punishment chains[]=[] danger sense[]


[]silver fangs and claws[]=[]black bone[]=[]dark life horn[]=[]ouroboros[]=[]star eye[]=[]punishment chains[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]=[]4 arms of dackness[]=[]catarous[]=[]dack scale bone[]=[] metal monkey heart[]=[] metal beetle skeleton[]=[] ghost hands[]=[]scared markings[]=[] tattoo of the scropion prince[]=[] marking of the beetle princess[]=[]red rader ear[]=[]Black bone horn[]

>{ Equipment }<



darkness( green leech magic( ancestral magic)...), Death (death magic ( ancient magic), nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic), light magic

As I saw my state I notice the =sprite eye two= skill so i checked it out


[=dreaminic eyes =

It is the second form of the sprite eye which has been unlocked, it has the passive ability to see through any illusion and restrain any one that looks into the eye in a illusion world (dream world) if the host choice

=it takes from mana and stamina

Note if the thing restrained is stronger than the host it will consume more stamina and mp per second]

This is somehow a good skill even if I have not tried it out, it looks good let increase my grade first before testing it so I use two level up cards on myself.


[Two level up cards has been use...….

Host has leveled up

Host has leveled up


I then checked the mutation option to see what I can buy with my MT point, after looking for a short time I then came to a decision and chose.


[= humanoid antoid form=....45000mt

Gives the host the ancient humanoid ant form of an ant, which is a symbol of those with power. it comes with many benefit like the skill …. =Suppressive pressure= and =battle sprite=

= lightning regenerating cells=.....6000mt

It give the host the internal lightening control (lower control) which strengthens the cell triple the recovery time and give skill= super regeneration= and =lightning discharge=

= lightning claws=...…..1000mt

It gives the host the ability to coat the host claw with lightning which can increase the damage and have a little stunning effect. Host also given the skill =lighten claw=

= lightning jaws=...…..6000mt

It give the jaw lightning attribute like the claw. It also come with the skill= lighten ball= and= lighten roar=.]


[Mutation commencing it will take 6 hour ...…10%...30%......58%]

As the time passed I stated to feel the pain of the mutation as some of my limbs were being shifted and other being reformed I could not hold it longer as I shouted in pain but my voice could not come out from my mouth.

Before I started crying out the system then gave me a reminder........


[Host will soon evolve, host need to find a safe place to evolve ….time 10hur...]

I could not take the pain but remembered that if I was evolving my consciousness will be taken away so I told the system immediately 'state evolution now'


[Evolution option generating...….10%......39%.....81%........100%]
