In a dark Passage through a corridor, which was about 14m wide and height from the floor to the ceiling about 20m.One can currently see Avishi who was carring Lucy on her back in her human from dragging a 3 meter giant butcher knife with a skull like design on it.

Avishi was sweating all over with various wounds both large and small around her amour with a trembling leg which could give up at any time but her eyes was still full of determination .

Sound of heavy foot steps came from ahead as Avisha saw a skeleton amoured figures runing toward her, they were 5 in total.

They had four hands and tick black bones with large axe in their hands as the ran madly toward her.

Avisha tied the rope which was supporting lucy on her back then activated her skill ( butchers spin)

She threw the butcher knife with so much force that it Pushed her back a few meters as the knife flew like a boomerang in the air blasting one skeleton into pieces and made a U turn as it came back to smash another skeleton returning back to her hand.

Bammmmm bammmmmm

The other skeletons had already surrounded her and attack with their weapon in all directions, Avisha immediately activitied the skill ( butcher spin) as she spined with the butcher knife in her hand turning into a small tornado smashing all the skeleton around.





Avishi then fell to the floor but before hitting the ground she supported her self with the butcher knife trying hard to stand.

Just then a black skeleton with 3 hands appeared at her back with daggers in all bone hands aiming at her, Avishi had no energy left and her reaction was late so the daggers where almost about to pieces her.

Then a Cain came out of nowhere smashing the skeleton to the wall breaking the skeleton into pieces, Avishi then found that Lucy was not on her back but standing in front of her half awake before collapsing on the floor.



Host regaining concourseness...]


... program 389*'6 is short down ..... .....]

As I work up I found my self in a dark under ground hung turnel with touches on the wall and Avishi who was resting by my side, so I sat up properly.

I had a major headache because of all sort of notification from the system which was not helping by the way, just when I was about to short my memories out to understand the situation Avishi who was resting by the side noticed me.

Without any warning she slammed into me


she started crying, I then tried to calm her down, then I noticed all sort of injuries on her body, After some hours later she finally calmed down so I used one heal card on her to treat her injury.

Then told her to explain what was going on as I listened, there were a lot of unessary things in her explaination but I did not interrupt her.

After a while I hard a full picture of the situation we were in, to put it simple it was like this

1, At the war I was controled by a big boss , then I used a teleportation card in the field to send everyone away

2, I passed out for about 10 days

3, We are now trapped in a dungeon on the 37 floor.

3, We need to get to the 50 floor and defeat the boss to leave.

I should not forget to tall you that Avisha had taken me from floor 27 to 37, it was miraculous because she fought a skeleton worrier with a butcher knife on the 30 floor and won the butcher knife with some of it skill.

According to her the monster kept coming more after the 30 floor so it took her longer to get here not to mention she had to pull me as dead weight all through this which made me feel toughed.


[Host should also thank system too and take pity of host wife or system well file a complain]

'what the fu*k , who asked you. You have ruined the moment'...I had to hear the system nagging like a stepmother

After a while Avisha fell asleep, and I could not blame her she had done a lot so I decide to check my status to see how mush I have grown





AGE = 43 days

GENDER= Female

SPECIES = goliath nightmare rabbit

CLASS= Punisher [20skill point]

TITLE = El-Salvos , descendant of the ghoul neither King , serpent circle , gaint slayer

rank = 3(royal lucked)

Evolution's >|ringed rabbit, wolfin ring rabbit, nightmare rabbit

LEVEL = 23/80 {exp= 20000/28000}- Evo =>Lv80

{HP = 5,000/ 5,000}, {MP = 6,250/6,2500}, {SP = 1,200/1,200}

ST = 800+200=1000

AG = 550+150=700

VT = 1000+400=1400

IN = 1250+400=1650

CM = 13

MT point {225,500}

+storage 43/100+(level up card (8),invisibility card (1),information card(6), heal card(1), force evolution card(1), lottery card (2),coupse, avions mask , ??? sword , a dungeon core)

>{ skills active}< []spring[]=[]nightmare gaze[]=[]life leech[]=[]nightmarezone[]=[]?????[]=[]??????[]=[]phantomization[]=[] nightmare bone wipe[]=[] torment whisper[]=[] illusion zone[]= []=[]sensor vision[]=[]sprite eye two[]=[] lightning heart demon armor[]=[] ring hell dice []=[] phantom step[]=[] demon summoning []=[]dark lightning roar[]=[]lightning beam[]=[]nightmare lightning claw[]

>{skills passive}<

[]recover(d+)passive[]=[]super senses(E)passive[]=[]flexible body(E)passive[]=[] status display(A) passive[]=[] ?????[]=[]eye of horror( level 3)[]=[]punishment chains[]=[] danger sense[]=[]suppressive pressures[]=[] battle sprite[]=[] super regeneration[]=[]giant strength[]=[]intermediate chain mastery[]


[]ancestral punishment horns[]=[]star eye[]=[]nightmare tattoos[]=[]4 arms of darkness[]=[] ghost hands[]=[]scared markings[]=[] tattoo of the scropion prince[]=[] marking of the beetle princess[]=[]red radar ear[]=[]nightmare demonic lightning body

> {Equipment} <

[] punishment chains (soul bound weapon) []

[]ouroboros(soul bound weapon)[]

[] Jester shadow dress []


Darkness (green leech magic (ancestral magic)...)

Death (death magic (ancient magic)

Nightmare (nightmare magic (forgotten magic)

Light magic

Lightning magic]