THE RUSH ( this looks like temple rune) 1

I woke up after a long hour of sleep and felt my stamina was full, since the rest was over I had a little sitch before waking up Avisha but later stopped as I had an evil smile on my face.

As I called kin and told him to wake up Avisha he kneel and begged me saying he had worked for me his whole life, he also said he had devoted everything to me that I should not give him this cross to carry but I give him an I know it kind of smile as I kick him to Avisha waking her up.

I could hear screams of pain from the side as kin was being beaten up, which will teach him a lesson to not disobey his master next time.

All this work got my blood pumped up to do something exciting as I fantasized about what to do.


I was then brought back to reality by the explosion which sent kin flying out to impact the wall marking a human shape in it.

I turned back to see Avisha walking out with a satisfied expression as if she had done something relaxing.

'Avish you know that he is part of my minons and healing him will take a lot of mana, you should have held back your punch' I said with a depressing smile.

'i know but any time I see his face something in me Just snaps and makes me want to break that face of his and it felt good to push him' Avisha said with an innocent look which made me pitied kin.

I had a moment of silence I will always remember him 'master I am not dead please stop curing me to die'.

Ow, I remembered I could heal him my bad so I did after kin came out of the wall he then ran away from Avisha.

Is she truly that scary, I had a cold sweat coming down my back as she as the question

' so who sent Mr kin to wake me up honey, after all, I don't remember sleeping with him yesterday' she said giving me a murderous innocent smile.

In the end, I had to give her my tails to play with for a full hour before I had my freedom as we continue our journey.

It was hard telling the day and the night in this level of the dungeon as the place was always covered in darkness.

As we moved forward to the next level I then heard a system notification.


.....Danger sense.....




I looked around on alert for any surprise attack but non came however my =danger sense = skill was constantly giving me the red sign.

I knew something was off but I haven't seen any monster on this level of the dungeon given the amount of time we enter it should have seen one or at least sported some but now.

I had a bad feeling and something just click in my mind Run, I started to run dragging Avisha with me as she ran too.

Our speed was fast but I was faster, Avisha asked what was going on with a distressed face as we ran but I did not answer just looked back as I saw the ground of the dungeon had been broken and a large claw came out destroying the dungeon walls and ceiling cause it to collapse on itself as we ran with all our might.

Avisha then used the skill =warhorse summon= As the dark warhorse came out of the ground in front of us we quickly jumped on it as Avisha took control to ride the horse.

The war horse was so fast that it overtook my lower nightmare spices (summoned monster).

I could see some of my summon getting buried under the collapsing floor as I am unsummoned them only living kin who was managing to keep up with the war horse.

The war horse becomes faster the more mana is pumped into it by the rider which made it hard for kin to keep up as the collapsing floor spread faster, which made Avisha pump up a huge amount of mana making the horse faster.

Kin was keeping up because I found out he used a skill called =shadow link =which was supposed to be an assassination skill linking his shadows with the one he chooses making him able to keep a close distance with the help of a huge amount of my mana.

According to him, the skill can only be maintained if the object aimed at has no anti-block or is many times faster and stronger than him.

My danger sense kept ringing louder and louder without stopping only reminding me of the danger we are in.


....Danger sense.....




on the way, I could see some monsters that were running away while others were being killed by the collapsing floor which just increase my fear knowing that this may not be caused by the dungeon itself.

why I came to that conclusion ways because the dungeon will not kill its monsters to the extent of destroying the floor they are on, this will only damage the dungeon itself which means something bad may have happened.

I wanted to unsummon kin in other to save Mana but stopped because of what I saw ahead of us.