Chapter 19: Aptitude and Attitude

Jon rushed to look for his mentor at their usual training location after class the next day.

He found Master Hui predictably reading a book at a bench. He slowly approached the bench and sat down.

“Master Hui, could you tell me more about what you said to me yesterday?” Jon asked politely with a sheepish expression.

Master Hui looked up from his book and gently replied him, “I will answer your question with a question: how did you improve so quickly?”

“It is exactly as you have said: hard work,” Jon confidently answered.

Master Hui stood up then turned, hiding his face from Jon and placing his hands behind his back.

“His answer tells me that he is not ready,” Master Hui discerned. “I will tell him the truth when the time is right.”

After a short interval of contemplation, he turned to face Jon again.