Moving On

For the next few weeks, Ashur stayed in the town of Klind and helped the elderly man and Mistress Shru with chores around the house.

Occasionally, he would also help the other townsfolk with odd jobs and repairs. They had stopped treating Ashur as a stranger and started welcoming him into their small community.

Ashur found solace in having established a daily routine. Every day, he went about his day in the same old way, doing the same few tasks.

As a naturally compassionate young man, helping other people also gave him a slight sense of satisfaction

Ashur had finally found a town that had everything he thought he wanted.

He had a place to stay, and a job that would pay him enough for food. Mistress Shru, the innkeeper, was nice to him, and treated him well.

But yet, deep inside his heart, he knew that this wasn't what he truly desired.

He wanted to become the best cultivator in the world, not the best handyman in the town of Klind.