Sparring Practise

The next morning, Vic woke everyone up early for training.

“Oi! Wake up!” He shouted, walking among the sleeping cultivators. “Get up already! Time to start training. Remember, the early bird always gets the worm!”

Ashur rubbed his eyes sluggishly. Even though he usually woke up rather early in the morning, the sun hadn’t even risen yet.

Lee leaned over and whispered to Ashur, “He’s always like that. The Vic you saw yesterday is a completely different Vic from the Vic now. Usually, he’s very friendly. But during training, he’s a real slavedriver.”

“Lee! Extra drills for you!” Vic overheard his words and shouted fiercely.

Lee made a face and pouted playfully, then shrugged his shoulders. He was used to Vic’s behaviour and knew that he didn’t mean it personally. Vic just wanted everyone to be disciplined during training and improve together.

“Line up in a single file, we’re going for a run,” Vic instructed. “Quickly!”