Secret Exposed

After the battle, the Lost Warriors teleported back to the mountains to set up a new campsite.

Vic gathered them to do a quick debrief.

“Good job guys. That was a good fight,” Vic congratulated the other wandering warriors on their victory. “The mayor of Jukir has given me 100 gold coins for our payment, plus a bonus of 20 gold coins. That comes up nicely to 20 gold coins per person.”

Vic handed each member a small bundle with the gold coins inside.

“Nice! We’re rich!” Rani exclaimed excitedly.

Lee stared wide-eyed at the bundle of gold. “This is the most money I’ve ever owned in my life,” he gushed.

“Don’t spend it all at once,” Lei reminded the two of them. “You must save this money.” But she, too, had a wide smile on her face.

Now that the battle was over, they could all finally relax.

Yet there was one more question left unanswered.

Vic turned towards Ashur.