Chapter 12: Shopping Dilemma

My breakfast made a great start to my day. There were expresso waffles with a mocha drizzle and freshly baked croissants that were buttery and airy that melted in my mouth. I knew that after that breakfast I’d never go back to plain cereal again.

After savoring the last bite, I took my plate and silverware over to one of the kitchen staff members. The staff took care of cleaning the dining ware right away and also cleaned the table where I had accidentally left some crumbs.

Then I made my way to my room and got ready for the day. I had something in mind compared to yesterday. No way was I going to be in the mansion two days in a row. Besides, Dax had said it was okay to go out with a chauffeur.

I made my way towards the bathroom and changed into a beautiful designer dress I found in the closet. The dress was strapless with a ruffled-silk cocktail style that was a few inches above my knees. It was far more revealing than I normally wore, but it was too pretty to not wear.