Chapter 24: One Month Later

After I left the bathroom, I headed for the door. I was so ready to get out of there. It was another place ruined for me. I doubted that I would ever return there.

I slowed my walking when I saw Dax waiting outside the car for me. The sight of him made me feel repulsed. It was hard to see him after what I had learned.

Dax opened my door for me, but I couldn’t even look at him and climbed in without a word.

He said, “Did you enjoy your lunch? I hope you liked it.”

I flatly said, “Yeah. It was good food.”

He noticed my change in tone and asked, “What’s wrong Danica?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I just want to head back.”

For a brief second, he looked like he wanted to say something but stopped.

Dax didn’t press further and continued to drive us back. I looked out the window and wanted to put the whole lunch behind me.

I couldn’t believe I was starting to get fooled by Dax. No way would I be someone’s fling.