Chapter 30: New Chances

The rest of our vacation wasn’t quite the same. After we had shared our kiss, Dax had avoided trying to kiss me or do anything remotely romantic. It was like a switch had completely changed inside of him, and he was back to professional Dax.

We were back to square one. I wondered why he had stopped our kiss from getting farther. Dax had seemed really interested in me the day before. I thought he was possibly feeling something stronger than a friendship for me. I guess I was wrong.

That kiss replayed in my mind. I could still feel his lips pressing against me in phantom memory. I touched my lips as if the kiss had just happened again.

I tried to push those thoughts away, as I packed up my belongings for our trip back to the mansion. Dax had wanted the trip to be one day longer, but I couldn’t stand being around him. It was too awkward after we had kissed like that. I could barely stop looking at his lips.