Chapter 49: Proposal Interrupted


It was so hard to believe that my own sister-in-law would stoop so low for Jared. In the past, I had never cared for Wendy that much. There was something about her that felt off at times.

At least she would never be able to return to my home. I would have to ban Jared from coming back. There was no way that I could trust him ever again either. He may have been behind Wendy’s actions. It was if I couldn’t trust anyone these days.

I definitely couldn’t let my guard down quite yet. Things had been quite dangerous. I’d make sure to keep Danica safe for the remainder of her time with me. Almost losing her made me value her even more than I used to.

A little after Wendy left, I wanted to offer Danica some comfort after that close call. I had seen that she had gone up to her room and headed there myself.

I knocked on her door and she let me in. Danica was lying on her bed, and I looked at her.

“Would you like some company? I understand if you want to be alone for awhile.”