Chapter 2: In Which He Was in Luck

Natural redheads are rare.

You travel the world and the chance of meeting one is only two percent.

To meet a natural redhead so beautiful that moves your heart and misplaces your senses is even rarer.

But today, Theo is in luck.

This one literally took his breath away. He had seen and been with plenty of beautiful women - models, actresses, Audrey - but none of them shook him as hard.

Even in the dim lighting, her skin glowed like the finest of pearls. Her doll-like features would blow any man off his seat. And those green eyes. Hell, they sparkled with a mysterious charm. He was instantly lost.

“How can I help you?”

He inhaled sharply. That low voice was unexpected. It’s sexy as hell, he thought. His Adam’s apple bobbed silently.


“He’s here for a reading, Madame Zoya,”

A woman appeared suddenly. Almost the same height as the gorgeous man in dark navy suit, she was in a curve-hugging, short dress, from the latest season of Aurora’s favorite high-end brand, and looked like a runway model.

She watched her boyfriend closely with those cat-like eyes, as if he would run, and upon discovering the object of his attention, hastily wove her tanned arm around his thick bicep, and hugged his elbow tightly.

At her touch, the man tightened his jaw but kept a straight face ahead. Aurora noted the tension and a brow raised. He didn’t enjoy the skinship with his girlfriend, and yet he didn’t object to it.

The woman now glared at the man and shook his arm in a princess fit to repossess his attention. “You promised me, Theo!”

Theo cleared his throat again and turned to the beautiful creature in front of him, who had been quietly observing. “Yes. I’m here for a reading.”

His gaze deepend and Aurora’s heart skipped a beat. She should look away but those dangerously attractive eyes were drawing her in.

“We, Theo. We! This is our reading!”

The high-pitched cry broke their eye contact.

Theo squinted his eyes in annoyance to his side.

Aurora blinked and returned to the female customer just as she turned back with a smile so bright that Aurora found it condescending.

The man exhaled in defeat. Straightening his back, he parroted, “We -- are doing a reading.” His eyes were back on the psychic.

Aurora looked away. “But you have no appointment?”

“No,” he replied in a gruff, masculine voice that tickled her skin.

She inhaled carefully and waved her sleeves across the crystal ball. “It will cost more.”

A raspy chuckle escaped his throat. “Of course. Please proceed.”

“Very well. Please register on our website to confirm payment.” Aurora directed the couple’s focus to the relevant information on the wall behind them.

Keeping her view on the female customer, Aurora swept her sleeves across the crystal ball and the beautiful couple took their seats. Aurora sat opposite them then closed her eyes, lifted her chin and drew in a deep breath.

Fresh scent of his musky cologne filled her nose. Her brows dived slightly then quickly relaxed. She quietly opened her eyes again and fixed her view on the woman. She will not make the same mistake twice.

“I see two proposals.” Aurora breathed.

Bewildered, and also pleased with the attention she was receiving, an enormous smile spread across the woman’s fluorescent pink lips.

Aurora took the hint and continued. “One in business; one in marriage.”

“Yes!” The woman pulled Theo closer and beamed at Aurora. “See what I told you, Theo, she’s different!”

A soft chuckle drifted from the man. Aurora wanted to look over at him but resisted the urge. Stay still, she reminded herself silently. Clearing her throat, she leaned towards the woman. “Marriage first?”

“Yes! Oh my God, you’re really good. It’s like you’re reading my mind.”

Aurora recalled the script and shook her head. “I don’t read minds, Miss. I read palms.”

“Of course, of course.” The woman released Theo’s arm and leaned closer to Aurora. “Tell me more.”

“What would you like to know?”

“Will it be a happy marriage?”

“You will be happy.”

The smile instantly retracted. “Only me? What about him?” She pushed her grinning partner towards the psychic.

Aurora refused to look at the man. She closed her eyes briefly, exhaled lightly and shook her head. When she opened her eyes again, the woman was shooting dagger eyes at her boyfriend that seemed to say, we’ll settle this later.

Without taking her eyes off the man, the woman snapped, “When will it happen then?”

Aurora breathed in cautiously and waved her hand in his direction. “It depends on him.” The woman swung around and threw him a death stare. This time, it seemed to say, See, I was right! You are stalling it! When are you going to propose, you d*ckhead?

A giggle rose in Aurora’s chest. She quickly pressed her lips to keep it down. Unconsciously, her view switched between the couple until his intense gaze grabbed her eyes and held onto them. A swarm of heat rushed up her back and hot anticipation flooded her cheeks. She realized what was happening and swiftly diverted her attention to his elegant tie.

Despite her efforts, Theo noticed the blush, and it got under his skin and halted his breathing. Without thinking, he uttered the first thing that jumped to his mind.

“What about the business proposal?”

She finally looked at him in the eye. “What would you like to know?”

He leaned forward. “Shall I proceed with it?”

Aurora caught a glint of mischief in his eyes and frowned inside. Is he testing her? Irritated, she raised her nose, closed her eyes and exhaled. “It depends on your expectations.”

Theo wanted to laugh. Not to mock the silliness of this entire affair, but to applaud the clever response. How many men had she enthralled with her wits, he wondered. At the thought, he felt a hint of jealousy. He inched closer.

“I don’t understand.”

Her brows creased slightly and he smiled with amusement.

After a light inhale, her husky voice answered calmly.

“I do not know about your business, Sir, but I do know that success is defined by one’s expectations. Manage the latter well and you’ll move towards success.” Aurora finished with confidence. Secretly, she was mind-blown. Thank God for her father’s preaching. It really came in handy.

“So I should take it then?” He pressed on, grinning.

Aurora was annoyed. Is he asking her to make a decision for him so he can blame her when his business fails? She wouldn’t fall for that trick!

“If you wanted fortune, I suggest you seek your financial advisor. If you wanted something else, then by all means, take it.”

Theo’s eyes widened at the brilliant response. He was completely smitten. “That was bold,” he laughed.

But the lovely creature was the least impressed.

Theo sniffed back a chuckle. “Sorry, that was rude. Madame--.”


“Madame Zoya,” Theo smiled warmly, “If I agreed to the proposal and failed, what happens next?”

“Then,” Madame Zoya breathed as her stern emerald eyes bore into his. “You make an appointment for another reading because time is up.”

“Yes, Theo, let’s go.”

A familiar grasp circled his biceps and tugged at them, pulling him away from the mystically beautiful and utterly smart psychic.

Aurora watched on as the woman dragged her large boyfriend towards the black curtain and disappeared behind it. She marveled at the display of great strength while secretly thanking the woman for doing so. That boyfriend of hers was about to wreck her poor life - just as that slimy bald-headed customer did.

D*mn those questions! What the hell is wrong with him? Is he trying to expose her? She understood his mockery - she used to feel the same towards fortune-telling - but that was still disrespectful!

“You couldn’t take your eyes off her! What the hell was that, Theo!”

The scream pierced into the reading hall.

Aurora froze. Her limbs instantly numbed.

Not again!