Chapter 4: In Which Sparks Flew

Aurora smiled with a satisfied nod.

She released the masculine palms and straightened her back again. This should help him enough. They could end the session now. She checked the clock. It’s almost seven.

But her customer didn’t look pleased. His solemn expression disturbed her. Oh God. Did she say something wrong? It couldn’t be. She followed the books strictly.

“Look, Mister Theo, if you’re not happy about anything I said--.”

He broke into the same magnetic smile and retrieved his hands. “Audrey’s right. You are good.”

A hint of sadness skimmed across his features like a shooting star. Then it was gone. But Aurora managed to catch it. It seemed that she’s not the only one who had it tough. Feeling that she should do something to help, Aurora suggested, “I could do another reading if it helps.”

“For free, this time?” The mischievous charm was back.

For some reason, Aurora didn’t feel annoyed as she did previously. Instead, she found it funny. Maybe it was the end of the day, or perhaps she had just received the best news in five years, she suddenly threw her head back and had a good laugh.

Theo burst out as well.

As the giggles faded, Aurora answered, “I’m sorry, Mister Theo, I can’t afford that.”

“A dinner, then.”

Those twinkling green eyes studied him with a renewed curiosity.

"I can't even give you a free reading. What makes you think I can afford to buy you dinner?"

Theo laughed. "That's an unusual way to reject a man." As the waves of laughter died down, his striking gaze fixed on her. "You are truly a magical woman."

His whisper glided across her skin like soft silk. That tender gaze electrified her senses, stirring her insides. Aurora drew in a quivering breath and exhaled carefully. He cannot know that he has an effect on her. She is still aware of her circumstances, as well as his.

"Well, Mister Theo--."

"Theo. Just call me Theo." She bit her lower lip in hesitation and it was d*mn arousing. He swallowed hard and added with a strained voice, "I insist."

Aurora glanced at him. "Theo. I need to close up now."

"How about I buy you dinner, then?"

"It's against the rules to go out with a client and I don't want to be fired." She finished inspecting the display case and moved on to the cleaning.

With both hands in his pockets, Theo strolled leisurely to the display case and pretended to be interested in the crystals. A red one shone gracefully at him.

"How much is this?"

Aurora squinted at him then put down the broom and walked over. She saw what he was pointing at then smiled at him.

"I can't tell if you pick this by fate or from knowledge."

"It has the color of your hair." Theo knitted his brows at the red stone, then folded his arms and rubbed his chin, as if he was pondering over a serious issue. "If we can't have dinner, then I'll get this as a souvenir. To keep me company whenever I think of you."

She burst out in helpless chuckles. "If you must, it's two hundred dollars. We take cash for gift purchases."

His voice lowered into a whisper. "I want to see you again."

She was lured to his dark brown eyes. Suddenly aware of how close they were, she felt the heat radiating from his strong, muscular build.

"Make another appointment." She whispered back with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Madame Zoya."

"The other one."

Aurora laughed. "You're one persistent man, Theo."

"I like hearing your voice say my name." He paused and tilted his head slightly with an alluring smile. "I like it more that you see me as a man."

She tore her gaze away and giggled.

Theo inched closer, the tip of his fingers a hair's breadth from hers. "So your name is?"

Her lashes lifted like a blooming flower as she smiled. "Aurora." Then, she moved away.

The name fit her perfectly. Grinning like a schoolboy who had just gotten the number of the most popular girl, Theo turned around and strolled to her.

"I'm serious about that red crystal."

Aurora paused her sweeping and looked up. "Of course, you are. It's made for you! I'll wrap it up for you right away."

He folded his thick arms across his broad chest as the ginger hair beauty marched past him to the display case and back, holding the red crystal with a cloth. After slotting it into a box, she handed it over.

"Two hundred dollars, please." She took the cash and flashed the brightest smile. "Thank you for your purchase!"

Theo reached out and grabbed the box and her hands, squeezing it gently.

"I'm sure you need a lift home."

"I already have one."

A brow raised. His heart dropped a level. She's taken. Why wouldn't she? He wondered who the lucky man was when a sinful thought barged into his mind: if they aren't married, he still stands a chance, doesn’t he?

Theo casually asked, "Is it your husband?"

"I'm not married," she snapped. The frown came and vanished in the blink of an eye.

Startled, Theo pulled away and searched her face. Sensing an unchartered territory, he changed the subject.

"Boyfriend, then."

Aurora tapped a slender finger to her chin in a serious ponder. "He's forty..."

Theo groaned.

"Wears a black hat, a badge and an orange vest." She grinned at him like a Cheshire cat.

He laughed. "He has a long ride then."

Aurora giggled as a willowy brunette in high heel boots, butt-hugging mini skirt and white tube came through the black curtain.

"What the f*ck is this place? D*mn, this curtain's heavy."

Theo looked over his shoulder as Aurora exclaimed, "Trish! You made it!"

"I sure did. This place is like a hell ho… woah!" The sassy best friend bulged her eyes at Theo then pulled Aurora close and whispered into her ear. "Did I interrupt something?"

Aurora whispered back. "We're done. I'm closing now."

Theo laughed silently. Women like to whisper but they never do it discreetly. It was a sign for him to leave. There'll be plenty of chances for them to meet again - he’ll make sure of it.

He held up the box and gave Aurora a purposeful gaze. "I'll look at this until my next appointment." With a tiny smirk, he left.

Trish spun around and thrust a thumb at the black curtain with a meaningful look.

"Who's that gorgeous, sexy man? Is he a boxer or some rich dude?"

Aurora shrugged and picked up the broom and swept the remaining area of the floor.

"Oh no. No way are you leaving me out on this. There's definitely something. I can feel it in my boobs."

Aurora laughed. "He's just a customer. I'll change out of this and we can go."

But Trish wasn't letting go and chased her around the shop, questioning her like a PI.

"He asked you out? And you said no? Are you crazy? You must be. All that working has finally gotten to you. Oh no, wait. You're playing hard to get, aren't you?"

"No, Trish! You know what kind of situation I'm in. No romance. Only money for now." Aurora removed the dress and slipped into her T-shirt and jeans.

"Nonsense. A little romance won't kill anyone." Trish flicked her long black hair then leaned into Aurora. "Your luck is changing!"

Aurora grinned helplessly at her squealing friend.


"I'm sorry, Aurora." The nice lady with a rainbow-colored ponytail smiled apologetically.

"But you said that I'm the best hairstylist you ever had, Gwen. Just yesterday! I don't understand. Why am I fired? What have I done?" Everyone in the salon was staring but Aurora didn't care. She wants an explanation and she will get one.

"You have to leave now, Aurora. I have customers." Gwen pushed her towards the exit.

Aurora refused to let this go.