Chapter 34: I Want You

“Business as usual?” Ricky asked Laura as they sat down for a late lunch together.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Laura replied, “I usually have a late lunch after orchestra rehearsal and before the prep school lets out.

“Well, I hadn’t heard from you in a week or so, and when I did, your text made our lunch together seem less like a date and more like a business meeting,” Ricky said, sounding slightly wistful.

“I was just following your lead; your tone in your message made me feel the same way, Counselor.”

“Duly noted. We’re here together now. Let’s make the best of it. I heard the food is great.”

“Hmm. May I ask you a question?”

“Sure. You just did.”

“Stop playing with me. You know what I mean,” she teased him, touching him gently on the arm.

“Okay. What’s up?”

“Why did you want to have lunch with me? Was it peer pressure from your cronies competing for my affections and you felt left out by them or neglected by me?”