Chapter 22: Firefight

Whitney’s father disappeared into a pile of ashes.

She gasped, her other hand going over her mouth. She stared at the pile that had once been her father. She wasn’t sad to see him gone. But how had Deke done that?

When she turned to Deke, he was back in human form. He took her into his arms. She melted against him, leaking tears.

“It’s okay, Whitney,” Deke said. “He’s gone.”

“What about Donal?” she asked.

“I’m okay, lass,” Donal said. “Thanks for thinking of me.”

She leaned away from Deke to see Donal, in human form. “You’re gargoyles?” she asked.

“Aye, lass,” Donal said. “The explanation will have to wait.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Deke said, nudging her towards the unlocked door.

She wasn’t going to argue.
