Chapter 29: Where's Billy?


Maggie rounded the second corner and stopped, leaning on a lamp post. A call with Chelsea was always draining.

“Well, he’s getting to that age. Almost a teenager.”

“He hasn’t even had his growth spurt yet. He isn’t that close to being a teenager. Look, Chelsea, I’ve been doing this for a while.”

Chelsea had been promoted over Maggie and she liked to think she didn’t resent it, but she did. Especially in situations like this. Chelsea didn’t have her experience. Maggie suspected she’d traded some kind of favor to get the position.

“Don’t lecture me, Maggie. I know all about your background.”

Maggie counted to ten, keeping her Irish temper in check. “I’m not lecturing you. I just think I’m closer to this case than you are.”

“Maybe too close. Should I assign another case worker to Billy?”

Maggie’s heart seized. No. That couldn’t happen. Billy was special. Billy was hers. “No. I don’t think I’m too close, Chelsea.”