Chapter 46: Stone Defender

Herding cats would be easier than trying to get a room of creatives organized.

Beth Swanson cringed against the cacophony of the group that was full of ideas, but not as much follow through. That was her job. Her role in this acting troupe was to organize them to raise money to buy this building. Otherwise they would need to find another place to put on plays.

She sighed as she raised a hand and her voice over the din. “Can we concentrate?”

Several of the people eyed her. Others looked down at the floor recognizing her “nurse” voice. This was why Beth liked Intensive Care Unit for her day job. Most of the patients were quiet. They also usually listened to her because she was the voice of authority. Here, she was just another actor in the group.

“Go ahead, Beth,” someone finally said.

“Are you all ready to listen?”