Chapter 75: A Place To Stay

“I don’t need you to take on anyone. I just need a place to stay for a bit and a lab for someone else. Someone you might be interested in talking to.”

“Does she know about you?”

Pete laughed. “Yes. She knows I’m a gargoyle.”

“Wow. That’s a lot of trust for you. I’ll send you coordinates to get here.”

“I may be bringing some friends to help me get her there, but you can trust them.”

“Okay, Pete. I trust you and you know my story,” Professor Sather said.

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Pete hung up and rejoined the group who sat at a table with empty plates. He could do dishes and make himself useful.

The Foley brothers and Deke answered all of Jenna’s questions with aplomb. They’d probably never been asked by someone who wasn’t a supernatural. Some things gargoyles take for granted.

“So, wait, you’re Irish right?” Jenna asked Donal.

“We are, lass,” he said, dipping into the lilt that Pete knew he’d worked to get rid of.