Chapter 81: Saved

Jenna heard the noises outside as she stared at the piece of paper in front of her. They would come for her. She was sure of it. She just didn’t know who would get to her first—the goblins or the gargoyles.

Pete and Donal burst into her lab. Shots were fired down the hallway outside. She rose ready to do what they said.

“You have an escape route?” Donal asked.

“We’ll have to wing it since we don’t know what they have covered.”

“There’s a bathroom next door that has a window in it. Not huge, but I think we could all shimmy our way through it,” Jenna said.

She’d tucked away that information for later use. Now seemed to be a good time to bring it out. Pete and Donal looked at each other. “I don’t have a better idea.”

“Then let’s go,” Pete said.

He grabbed Jenna’s hand, dragging her to the door. She dug in her heels. Now as a good a time as any to test her hypothesis. “Wait.”