Chapter 85: Stone Sentinal

The livestream was done by a guy who loved conspiracy theories. Dani could stomach his love for them only so much, but they did provide easy material for her class, so she always listened on her commute home to her apartment.

She picked up the El from the University City station and settled into her seat. Now she could pay attention to what was being said.

“We’re live with BJ, a YouTuber who runs a channel about conspiracy theories. I’m Jay Brinker and we’ll take questions in the next hour. BJ, we’re glad to have you on.”

“Thanks Jay. Glad to be here.”

“When did you first get started studying conspiracy theories?”

“When did I first question the narrative? I think I always questioned things, which didn’t make any of my military years easy. My father was one to question things. He always taught us to see beyond the surface of things.”

“So, your father was a big influence on what you do now,” Jay said.