Chapter 102: She Was Here

Dani was close and that made Ben want to turn, but something was holding him back. Was there some magic in this room that kept his abilities at bay? He didn’t know that could happen. He’d never heard of it and it was a disturbing new twist to a goblin’s power. He’d have to ask Donal when they arrived. Which he was pretty sure they were going to do.

If Dani was here, she’d been brought here by the good guys. At least he hoped. The men playing cards had left. He could feel his wounds healing, but not as quickly as they should have. Something was definitely blocking his powers. A goblin flung open the door to the room. This one’s stench was as bad as the rest of them.

He wore a suit in his human form, but it didn’t mask his evil. Ben glanced up at him with his one unswollen eye. This wasn’t going to end well for the goblins, and if he could, Ben would extract as much information from them as possible. They still thought they were winning.