Chapter 13: Was Sebastian Right?

Sebastian showed up for work on time the next day. Sally watched him park his truck. She wondered if she should tell him about what had happened last night.

The sheriff had called her to let her know that Colin had checked out last night. In a hurry.

Guess her nine millimeter had scared him.

Then there’d been the bear. She’d wanted to shoot at it but didn’t. She couldn’t imagine why she didn’t. There had been something about the bear. As if she knew that it wasn’t a threat. It had growled at Colin but hadn’t come near her.

In fact, the bear had left as soon as Colin did. She’d stared at the woods for ten minutes after it left. She’d been scared, but maybe she hadn’t needed to be. Why hadn’t it gone after her?

She couldn’t puzzle it out. Not that she thought Sebastian would have an answer. She just needed to share her evening with someone. Someone who would be proud of her. Even if she’d sent him home last night, he would still be proud of her.

She hoped.