Chapter 24: He Spends the Night

Melinda debated kicking Caleb out before she fell asleep, but she didn’t. It was nice to have a male body next to her. Nice to feel desired, but now he had to go. She had things to do and her stomach was rumbling.

Wait. She opened her eyes. Caleb wasn’t in bed. He’d left in the night. That was fine. She let out a sigh of relief. Then she smelled something. Coffee. She heard noises in her kitchen. Someone was moving around. Would a burglar make coffee? She pulled on a nightshirt, then padded into the kitchen. Caleb’s face was in her refrigerator.

“What are you doing?” she said.

He glanced over at her. “Making you breakfast.”

“Uh. No.”


He pulled out a carton of eggs and a package of bacon. Her normal Saturday morning breakfast. It was a treat since she didn’t always have time before she ushered Josh off to school during the week. On warm days like this morning, she would eat it out on her patio before Josh woke up.