Chapter 55: She Has a Secret

“Fi, come on. I’m here. I’m willing to listen without judgment. If nothing else, we are friends. We work together. I respect you and your skills. At least give me a chance to help.”

Fiona shook her head.

Shit. She was going to be stubborn. Wyatt looked around her apartment. It was her usual mess. He found a chair and sat on it. “I’m not leaving until you tell me.”

Sometimes with Fiona, you just had to dig in and wait. He’d stay all night and into tomorrow to figure this out. She was his mate. He owed her at least that much. Even if she never felt anything for him, he was going to protect her.

She was part of him, part of his den. He couldn’t walk out of here knowing she was in danger. Especially not knowing if that person could come back. Nope he was here for the duration. If she left, he’d follow. He wasn’t letting her go that easily a second time.

She sighed. Her gaze traveled back up to him and held his. “Okay, I’ll tell you.”
