The early morning sun crpet under Faro's eyelids. Yawning, he blinked his eyes open and stretched in the warmth.
He and his companions were camped in the Lerian forest. They'd spent the entire previous day searching for the Urt's hideout, but to no avail. It was unusual, how well these Urts were staying hidden. There were no viible signs of their presence; no trampled foliage, no half-eaten meals, no footprints, no foul smells or clearings thick with foul energy. Makuran hypothesized that they must have some kind of magical aid, but as none of them were wizards, they would just have to keep searching and hope they stumbled across something.
Evartan was packing their supplies back into their bags. "Ready for the day?" he called.
Faro rubbed his eyes, clearing out the sleep haze. "As long as we get to kill something this time," he muttered. Searching for something with no clue where to look was excruciatingly boring.