Chapter 24: Detention is a Total Gas

Xander marched me down the empty corridor, all the while keeping up the pretense that he needed to punish me by randomly slapping me in the back of the head from time to time. It didn’t really hurt, but it sure was annoying.

Soon enough, he led me through a door into, of all places, the school library.

Normally, of course, the library was full of kids after school. They studied, futzed around on the computers, chatted, did homework, all sorts of normal, regular, everyday teenaged things. To find it devoid not only of any students but even of any librarians was really, really weird.

Even weirder was the fact that the entire place was sealed up in plastic.

Xander led me through a zippered opening in the plastic, zippered it back closed, and gestured towards a table.

“What is this? Where is everybody?” I asked.

“Right. Right. They cleared the room because it’s being fumigated.”

“It’s being fumigated?”