Chapter 35: I Get All Misty-Eyed

We gathered up our packs (with me being charged with chasing down the one Cassandra’d tossed away for no apparent reason) and started our trek. Since the first thing we had to do was get across the river, Cassandra had parked us at one of the only places for miles where it was fordable. I held my pack over my head and waded into the swiftly-flowing torrent. The icy water stung my legs through my jeans, but we made it across without incident and the sun was out in a cloudless sky to dry us off in no time. My initial directions centered on a mountain pass a few miles away and a few thousand feet up. Where we went after that was anybody’s guess - all I had were a set of generic instructions like ‘scale cliff’ and ‘cross ridge’ and ‘walk behind waterfall (I was really looking forward to that one).’