Chapter 40: More Dead Folk Than You Can Shake a Stick At

If you ever want to know how fast you can run, have yourself chased by a large woman with her lips sewn shut carrying a really big gun. Not to say that I was breaking any records as I fled Sewn Lips Woman, but even carrying Sally as I was, I was probably running fast enough to catch the attention of Mr. Gallow, our school’s track coach. Certainly our pursuer found it hard to keep up, though I don’t think she was necessarily worried about losing us since we were, after all, running towards the work camp rather than away from it.

At some point in our flight, both Sally and I stopped screaming, which combined with my outdistancing our pursuer meant we were in good condition to duck off the path and lose ourselves in the jungle. Of course doing that would have meant thinking clearly, which when you’re running for your life, isn’t as easy as it sounds.