Chapter 42: The Man With the Badly-Dented Head

The faint glow from the flame atop my torch revealed walls of stone carved with every manor of symbol, glyph, and doodle. I tried to remember what Xander had taught me about these back when we explored our first tomb, but the only thing that came to mind was a general warning to stay away from any carved phalluses.

Behind me, Sally followed wide-eyed, her grip tight in mine. I suppose my bringing a six year-old girl down into this death temple might strike some as being a poor choice, but in my defense, I didn’t have many alternatives and she was already dead. I kept a sharp eye out for any stone on the ground that seemed out of place - I didn’t want to be inadvertently skewered by a centuries-old booby trap - but the floor was smooth, no protrusions, nothing on the ceiling ready to come down and crush us. It was all too easy. Which is normally right when things go wrong.