Xander Does a Lot of Splatting

We stepped into the sad excuse for an arcade. There were maybe eight games, three of which didn’t work. Xander was in the back playing something called Q*bert that looked to be thirty years old.

“Are you stalking me?” I asked his back.

He ignored me while bucking his shoulders back and forth as he fought to keep a purple blob from falling off a ziggurat. Something that resembled a green coil chased him and Xander panicked, his character leaping off into oblivion with a pitiful wail followed by the sound of a disturbingly metallic splat.

“I hate that snake,” said Xander, reaching into a day-glow fanny pack at his waist.

“Xander?” I asked again, this time with just a hint of exasperation.

He turned around and started as if shocked to be interrupted. “Why, Zack! It's Zack! And... Sister! Zack and Sister, here! What are the odds?”

“Why are you stalking me, Xander?”