I Try My Hand at Blending In

Before returning home and locking ourselves in our respective rooms in a futile attempt to shut out the nightmare we had just witnessed, Gary and I made a pact to completely and utterly ignore what had just happened.

It may seem like a cowardly thing to do, but look at it from our point of view. We'd just seen a thirty-foot-long worm with razor-sharp teeth and acid spit eat a classmate. How were we supposed to explain that to anyone? Who'd believe us? And by bringing it up and alerting authorities to Hector's severed foot, we'd only throw suspicion on ourselves. Since only three months ago there had been whispers that I'd gone and killed a teacher (not true, he had already been dead, I'd just re-killed him), getting involved in a second grisly death in a single school year wouldn't look good on any future college applications. We agreed to keep our mouths shut and let the severed limbs fall where they may.