My Mom Gets Physical

Xander's remark floored me enough to allow him a solid head start towards my front door. I compensated by going into a full sprint and caught up to him just as he stepped up to the stoop.

“What did Dad think it was?” I asked.

Xander twisted around to answer me and I saw he had his hand shoved down his fanny pack up to his elbow. “What? What? Oh, right. Right. I have no idea. I'm hoping he kept notes.”

“Oh,” I said, a little disappointed.

Xander plucked a large ring of keys from out of his fanny pack and flipped through them, one by one. “Yes. Yes. Iggy was always diving into the most obscure legends and myths. He and Raoul would go around scooping up anything that even hinted at being special or important. They were quite the collectors in their time. And between you and me, a couple of serious hoarders.”

He settled on a key that looked exactly like all the others and moved to shove it into the deadbolt on my front door before I realized what he was doing.