Chapter 9: Meet the General

Chapter 9: Meet the General

I entered the mess hall. As I’ve expected, it has high ceilings, a chandelier, and a long rectangular table at the center.

The floor-length forest green curtains were blowing by the wind because the windows were left opened.

I could see that the General was sitting at the round table. He was facing the windows and his back was turned at me. I could see that he was reading a paper. It seemed like he was too serious in reading it. I tiptoed to avoid creating any sound.

I approached the other end of the table. I think it’s better that I would be too far away from him.

I stand across him, not even pulling the chair to sit down.

“Come closer,” he commanded, sounding eerily familiar.

I cleared my throat and then walked lightly toward him. This time, I’m already a chair away from him.

I was about to greet him when my heart suddenly stopped and my pupils dilated.

The envelope that I gave Runi for the mall hero was place right beside the Generals plate!

My knees weakened, and my hands were sweating. I could feel my chest tightening.

The General cleared his throat. He read the letter out loud without facing me:

Dear sir who returned my phone from the thief,

First of all, I would like to tell you how thankful I am that you are able to hit that thief’s forehead with your bag in the calmest manner. And I was really amazed with how you were able to catch the knife that was thrown at you by the thief by using your two fingers.

It’s a pity that I haven’t known your name. Please don’t get intimidated with those two soldiers who fetched me. It’s not that I’m a criminal or something, but it’s just that I need some protection for being a fiancé-to-be for the Ransang’s General.

But I would like to ask you something. Have you been to Ransang’s countryside a few years ago? Did you hear about the fire that burned the house of the brother-in-law of Ransang’s President? If we could see each other, I would like to hear your responses, but if you could not then you might want to write your responses and sent it back to me through my maidservant.



The General turned around. He doesn’t seem surprised.

But I am frozen to the ground.

Because it’s him. My mall hero!

How could anyone believe that the General who could have anyone’s head on the platter could be the same gym-going and knife-catching man who was able to keep the thief down back at the mall? And how did the letter ended up in his hands? Where is Runi?

Those previous warm eyes that I have been taking comfort in remembering were now the same eyes that are turning cold by each second.

“Greetings, General.” I bowed my head as a sign for respect. Even if I have expected him to be someone else apart from the hero I looked up to, I still should not forget to act with my manners because it will reflect on my father.

Just like me, the General also wanted to create a first good impression. He was dressed in his military uniform with those small medals and stars stitched across his upper-left pocket corners. His uniform has too many ribbons and small golden buttons stitched all over it.

The cook has done a splendid job with the feast in front of me. The table was filled with a meal that could literally feed all of his men here. Presented before me were chicken, beef, bird’s nest soup, noodles, and eggs benedict (my favorite).

How does the General know about my favorite dish? My father could have told him. He must have noticed me fixing my gaze at the eggs benedict because he says, “Marcial said your favorite were eggs benedict.”


Well at least he didn’t forget about that. I suddenly missed the old times. I missed how my mother used to take me and Marcial to the park and feed the fishes by the fountain. I missed how he tended to my wounds just for me to stop crying. I missed my wandering around my father’s house. I missed the three of us strolling along coffee shops and bakeries back at the countryside. I suddenly missed the comforts of home.

“Please,” he smiles, trying to keep me at ease, “sit down.”

He folded the letter while I pulled back the chair and sat uncomfortably. He carefully inserted it inside the envelope. “How’s the orange juice?”

I grinned sparingly. “It was alright. Thank you, General.” I paused. “General, I’m so sorry for what happened this afternoon.”

He drank from his glass. I guessed it’s wine because I could smell the fermented grapes.

“What are you sorry for? Your phone got returned to you, and I was there to catch the thief for you.”

I took a spoonful of my soup. “It’s my negligence in the first place, General. I was calling without minding suspicious people all around me. I thank the General for having caught the thief for me.”

“It was my pleasure to perform such deed to Ransang,” he said. “How was your travel? I’ve learned that you’ve traveled for four hours. The Lieutenant told me that you have been completely exhausted that’s why you have rested long inside your room. Well, that’s what he told me until we met each other at the mall.”

The General was tight-lipped but his eyes turned dreamy-like for some reason.

Could he be thinking of the way he caught me just before I slipped? I stared at his arms and recollected how strong they feel like. I immediately dismissed my thought. I am looking at the respected General in front of me. I am looking at the person who could protect me or imprison me for a lifetime.

“Please don’t blame the Lieutenant, General,” I plead for Marcial’s cause. “He has truly thought that I would sleep inside my room before meeting you. It was me who insisted Runi and I to sneak out.”

I may hate Marcial’s domineering attitude, and he might be the reason why my phone got almost stolen, but of course, all of his actions were to pacify me. And I just couldn’t bear to watch his head on a platter.

The General seemed to relax. He picked up an egg with his spoon and placed it on top of my plate. “Your father entrusted you to my care. I would disappoint him if something bad happened to you. I would appreciate it if you would not sneak out again. ”

I nodded. He got a point. But what does it mean? Will I be just like a prisoner again in the General’s mansion? I think it was too unfair that the real criminals who were out to get me were the ones who are free.

But I keep silent instead.

“I mean it, you know,” he said. “I meant it when I said that you could come to me if you need any help.”

“Thank you, General,” I replied.

And will I be indebted to you for every help I owe you in this lifetime? I could never let you save me again, General. It will be unfair for you because I couldn’t love you back the way I love the first man who saved me from the fire even if you rescued me at the mall.

“I would like to tell you that I could bear challenges on my own especially since my mother and father have always been taking care of political affairs since I was a child. Runi just arrived to serve my family when she was eighteen,” I say while drinking my glass of water, “but it would be kind for you to offer your help to me.”

The General raised his glass of wine. “I will always help you because you’re my future wife.”