CHAPTER 39: Plans for the future...


After dinner, Randol and I go for a walk. He wants to try to shift, and I'm nervous. I know he did things this afternoon that no injured man ever could, but shifting is different. It rearranges organs and breaks bones. I don't want this to tear something open. If his internal injuries rupture I can't see it. That is terrifying.

"Listen, before we get into the woods, I want you to promise me something. If you have any pains in your stomach you have to tell me. I can see if something on the outside tears open, but I can't see if one of the organs I stitched back together ruptures."

"I will. I promise."

"I'm serious. If you rupture an organ and don't tell me because your trying to be macho you better hope it kills you. If it doesn't I'm going to fix it again and nurse you back to health just so I can kill you."

"I believe you one hundred percent. I swear, Celeste, I will absolutely tell you."