Manolis was angry and Areti got the brunt of it when he came to see her that evening. He slammed into the house and Rex set up a fierce barking but soon subsided when he got a kick in the muzzle for his pains.
'What is it? Why are you so mad?' she asked.
Despite his roughness she was never afraid of him. She had a hold on him just as he had a hold on her and this meant that they had to be mutually civil to each other. Besides, she loved him, had shared his moods, torments and sadness since they were both children. He was like a brother as well as a lover.
'Those damned brats, they're poking their noses into everything; they won't let things alone. Like a fool, Emilia has told them my story and now they are all keen to go and pry with stupid curiosity, no understanding. I'm disappointed in her. I thought she was wiser. She's just a stupid foreigner. I shall go over there tonight and see just what they have been up to, what they've discovered.'