Chapter 43: Searching for treasure together

The two men wrestled, the younger man fit and strong but Manolis the more wily. In despair, Emily took up a stone and threw it at him. It merely glanced on the side of his head but was enough to distract him and Petros knocked the knife flying from his hand. Emily ran to take it and running up to the walls, threw it as far away as she could. It bounced along the rocks and over the cliff side into the sea.

'That knife would have been handy,' Manolis said with a curse, mopping the trickle of blood from his head with a handkerchief. 'Why throw it away, you silly girl?'

'You were going to kill Petros!'

Manolis rubbed his wrist where Petros had twisted it in his effort to get the knife away and cursed again. 'Not I! He can come with us and be useful now he's here. We'll need someone strong.'