Chapter 108: Press Conference Gets Egged

Just at that moment, Xia Yangyang's phone suddenly rang.

Xia Yangyang quickly got up to answer the call.

Thank goodness the call came just in time, otherwise she really didn't know how to respond to Gu Qichen's question.

Going public?

Once it's public, there's no turning back, but Xia Yangyang still has doubts in her heart.

She hasn't figured out what happened with Shen Manbing yet.

Nor has she figured out exactly what Gu Qichen's feelings for her are.

The call was from Director Yang.

Xia Yangyang hung up the phone and walked back to the dinner table.

Gu Qichen was still sitting there.

Xia Yangyang took the initiative to speak: "Director Yang said, at a press conference tomorrow afternoon, they'll announce my role as the female lead in the TV drama, and also clarify my relationship with Chen Yu."

Gu Qichen didn't have much of a reaction, he tidied up the food boxes and immediately left.

Xia Yangyang could feel that Gu Qichen seemed not too pleased.