Chapter 129: Mr. Gu Visits the Set

The filming resumed once again.

Just like before.

Shen Manbing always managed to create excuses to reshoot scenes.

The director had initially planned to take a break, but Shen Manbing still insisted on continuing the shoot.

Xia Yangyang, clad in a down jacket, had to chase after the moving vehicle for filming. The total distance she ran was probably over ten kilometers.

Her hair alternated between being wet and dry.

But Xia Yangyang persisted throughout.

Chen Yu recorded a brief video of Xia Yangyang's shooting and sent it to Shen Shichuan, pleading for his help.

After watching it twice, Shen Shichuan forwarded the video directly to Gu Qichen.

At that time, Gu Qichen was attending a quarterly report meeting of Shengyuan Group.

All the high-level executives and shareholders were present.

Yet, Gu Qichen held his phone, repeatedly watching the same video.

He suddenly stood up and announced, "Let's conclude here for today. Meeting adjourned."