Chapter 162: Mr. Gu's Magnanimity...

The restaurant named Lan Ting Shui Xiang was built over an artificial lake.

Countless pavilions, terraces, and towers are actually exquisite private rooms.

A winding water corridor connects these rooms outside.

From a distance, it was brightly lit, resembling the unique scenery of the Jiangnan water town, yet tinged with an extra touch of luxury.

Chen Yu had had too much wine, and, hanging onto Xia Yangyang's shoulder, sobbed, "Little Miss, I can't bear to be without you, divorce Gu Qichen... come away with me, let's go to the Eiffel Tower, to the bridge in Prague, to the most romantic and touching place that others don't know about…"

As Chen Yu spoke, he began to sing.

It was 'Elope' by Zeng Yike.

The tune was incredibly soft, but as it was sung in Chen Yu's drunken voice...

Have you heard Tengger singing 'Invisible Wings'?

Well, that's the feeling...

Chen Yu sat at a table with the director, scriptwriter, and several others from the team.

Evidently nervous.