Chapter 244: The Brain Needs Some Sunlight

Xia Yangyang went straight to the lounge.

The door of the lounge was open.

Only Gu Qichen and Gu Mingzhu were inside.

Xia Yangyang walked right in and called out, "Sister".

Gu Mingzhu looked up.

Gazing at Xia Yangyang's face, she seemed momentarily dazed.

The first time she saw that face, she felt that something was off.

But why didn't she investigate further then?

She really did look a lot like Tan Zhen.

Xia Yangyang walked up to Gu Mingzhu, asked with concern, "Sis, are you okay? I heard you got hurt, where did you get injured?"

Seeing Gu Mingzhu's hand wrapped in gauze, Xia Yangyang hurriedly tried to take a look.

To her surprise, Gu Mingzhu directly pulled her hand away.

Her voice seemed cold, "I'm fine."

Xia Yangyang was taken aback, stood up straight embarrassed, withdrew her hand, and then glanced at Gu Qichen.

Gu Qichen seemed to slightly furrow his brow as well.

Just at that moment, Gu Zhaohan walked in.