Chapter 300: You must think I'm Disgusting

Shen Shichuan furrowed his brow, remained silent, as if waiting for Xia Yangyang to give an answer.

Xia Yangyang began to speak, "The day Shen Manbing was held hostage by a crazed fan, Ah Chen and I took her to the hospital. You came later, and we left, but that day I left my jacket on a chair in the corridor. In fact, I came back for it later, and at that time I saw..."

Xia Yangyang did not reveal everything.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Xia Yangyang would never have believed it.

What Xia Yangyang saw was Shen Shichuan kissing the sleeping Shen Manbing.

At that time, Shen Shichuan also had his eyes closed, yet his thin lips distinctly landed on Shen Manbing's lips.

And his expression was so suppressed, so pained.

It was something Xia Yangyang had never seen before.

His fingers were gripping the bedsheets tightly, so far away, yet Xia Yangyang could see the bulging veins on his hand.

Xia Yangyang knew then.