Chapter 326: Grandma is much nicer to Gu Qichen

Xia Yangyang felt as if she'd been struck by lightning.

It was as if she'd been pushed into an icy pool, her whole body trembling in cold.

What her grandmother meant was, her mother had discovered her father's affair, eventually choosing to commit suicide out of desperation.

What were Xia Liangdong's acts of care when her mother was hospitalized?

Was it all just a show for her to see?

If so, Xia Yangyang felt the last bit of warmth left between her parents had evaporated.

Xia Yangyang had forgotten how she returned home.

When Xia Yangyang walked into the yard,

Gu Qichen had just finished sweeping the yard and was washing his hands by the well.

Seeing Xia Yangyang return, he walked over, curious, "Did grandmother mention me?"

But Xia Yangyang seemed to be in a daze.

She walked into the house mechanically.

As if she hadn't heard Gu Qichen's words at all.

Gu Qichen instantly felt something was wrong.

Xia Yangyang went into the house, and cried under a blanket all alone.